onsdag 30 september 2009
Imaam Ibn Baaz on suicide attacks

Malcom X Funeral Part 12

Among the civil rights leaders in attendance were John Lewis, Bayard Rustin, James Forman, James Farmer, Jesse Gray, and Andrew Young.Actor and activist Ossie Davis delivered the eulogy, describing Malcolm X as "our shining black prince".
There are those who will consider it their duty, as friends of the Negro people, to tell us to revile him, to flee, even from the presence of his memory, to save ourselves by writing him out of the history of our turbulent times. Many will ask what Harlem finds to honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain—and we will smile.
tisdag 29 september 2009
Islam has nothing to do with terrorists
WARNING for Rabbi Shmuly

This is very interesting because as you can see the article "Michael Jackson tapes reveal His Soul, Shapes adviser says" so it really comes to this "so-called" close friend "of Michael is one of them. And the Rabbi will not be a "close" friend of Michael ..
Without this you should have received money from Michael to charity and not used them for it, and more .. And how is it that this man comes out with a book now after 9 years as he claims Michael wanted out?
Now that Michael is dead! Do not go on this this seems to be another who wants use Michael's name and get money out of his death .. This one was just inside Michael's friendship circle for a short period .. So this seems like a foam fish .. And have also heard that this man was Michael ENEMY!
So we will really suit us here this seems to be a another Martin Blair .. which also Jew Uri Geller presented Michael to Blair ..
No further Michael had friends where everyone took their chance to get a share of his wealth.
Abute that video on You Tube.
Just as our dear messiah, Adolf Hitler said: Creative men and women of all nations, recognize your common foe!
Michael Jackson, one of the worlds most popular and known entertainers throughout the worlds history have recognized this international issue that the christian nations have faced since ancient time. Michael Jackson was obssessed about our dear Hitler, he had tons of nazi related books and movies, and spent alot of time reading about Adolf, he also collected Nazi medals, jewelry and paraphernalia
Michael Jackson was murdered. Those of you who remember, I posted a video with a description, just after his death, explain who had killed him and why. The outcome was that my account got suspended for three weeks.
It is clear to us that Michael Jackson sudden death was no accident, and Michael himself knew perfectly well that he would be killed, and by who. Even his sister, La Toya, sees the truth.Michael Jackson lived his whole life surrounded by zionist-jews. They would set him up in compromising positions, knowing his penchant for pre-pubescent boys and girls, have a series of families of "victims" sue him, then portray him in the controlled media as a serial pedophile thus denying him any credible defense.
This process of stealing his money went on for years, until there was nothing left to steal. They then came up with the idea of having the frail Jackson pay off the 500 million dollars he owed them all at once with a huge concert tour, one that neither they nor Jackson thought he could physically survive. If he didn't do it, they would seize the 350 million dollars in assets that he still controlled and ruin him. Essentially, they decided to go for the age-old Talmud solution, the pound of flesh. Jackson would pay them off with his life.
Due to his many health problems, it became impossible to insure Jackson for the tour, particularly when the financers got greedy and vastly extended the tour, so the promoters had to "self-insure", meaning they would take all the risk if Jackson, in fact, couldn't finish the tour. As the promoters knew he wouldn't be able to survive the tour, this was unacceptable, and Jackson became more valuable dead than alive.
The greed of the zionist extended the tour to the point where it was uninsurable. Either the stress of the impossible tour killed him, or they arranged for him to be given a "hot shot" - a mix of his drug of choice with a heart-attack inducing, and completely undetectable, potassium chloride - to finish him off. (note how the mainstream press is suddenly filled with stories of his drug addictions, very typical)
On behalf of the national socalism movement, R.I.P, and thanks for the contribution.
Michael Jackson tapes reveal his soul, former adviser says

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, Michael Jackson's confidant, sat down with the King of Pop and taped 30 hours of interviews.
"The Michael Jackson Tapes" includes Jackson talking about his fear of growing old, his relationship with children, his friendships with Madonna and Brooke Shields, and his remarkable shyness around people that made his surround himself with mannequins.
Jackson opened up to Rabbi Shmuley Boteach for 30 hours of interviews, which were taped nine years ago and intended for a book Jackson wanted written, Boteach said.
"He was trying to reclaim his life," Boteach said Friday in an NBC "Today Show" interview.
Jackson, who died on June 25 of what the coroner found to be a deadly combination of drugs, "lost the will to live, I think he was just going through the motions of life toward the end," Boteach told NBC.
CNN has not independently confirmed Jackson's quotes in the book, but Boteach was known to be a spiritual adviser to Jackson for several years beginning about 1999.
Ken Sunshine, spokesman for the family, including the singer's father, Joe, issued a statement on the book. "We are not going to dignify this with a comment," he said.
The book was not published during Jackson's lifetime because of the pop star's child molestation trial, which ended with an acquittal in 2005, the author said. The author said Jackson's arrest ended any interest in a book about him.
"I don't want to grow old," Jackson is quoted as saying in one interview with Boteach.
"When the body breaks down and you start to wrinkle, I think it's so bad," Jackson said.
Jackson talked to Boteach about why he was drawn to children, especially those who were sick.
"I love them. I love them," he said.
Helping children enjoy their childhood is his mission, Jackson said.
"I feel that this is something really, really in my heart that I am supposed to do, and I feel so loved by giving my love, and I know that's what they need," he said.
Jackson said that while adults "appreciate me artistically as a singer and a songwriter and a dancer and a performer," children "just want to have some fun and to give love and have love and they just want to be loved and held."
Boteach, in an interview about two years before Jackson's November 2003 arrest, asked Jackson about the young cancer patient who would later become his main accuser.
"He's special," Jackson said.
Boteach asked Jackson whether by speaking to people like the boy "part of the pain goes away for them."
"Absolutely," Jackson said. "Because every time I talk to him he is in better spirits. When I spoke to him last night he said, 'I need you. When are you coming home?' I said, 'I don't know.' He said, 'I need you, Michael.' Then he calls me 'Dad.'"
Michael Jackson's taped statements about his father's treatment of him as a child echoed what he has said previously.
"He was rough, the way he would beat you, you know, was hard," Jackson said. "He would make you strip nude first. He would oil you down. It would be a whole ritual. He would oil you down so when the flip of an ironing cord hit you, you know, and, it was just like me dying, and you had whips all over your face, your back, everywhere. And I always hear my mother like, 'No, Joe, you're gonna kill him. You're gonna kill him. No.' And I would just give up, like there was nothing I could do. And I hated him for it. Hated him."
Joe Jackson has denied physically abusing his son. "Now, Michael was never beaten by me, I've never beaten at all," he told CNN's Larry King in July. He did suggest he used spankings for disciplining his children.
Another Michael Jackson quote from the book alleged emotional abuse by Joe Jackson:
"God bless my father because he did some wonderful things and he was brilliant, he was a genius, but one day he said, 'If you guys ever stop singing I will drop you like a hot potato.' It hurt me. You would think he would think, 'These kids have a heart and feelings.' Wouldn't he think that would hurt us? If I said something like that to Prince and Paris, that would hurt. You don't say something like that to children and I never forgot it. It affects my relationship with him today."
Jackson told Boteach he was still "scared of my father to this day."
"My father walked in the room -- and God knows I am telling the truth -- I have fainted in his presence many times. I have fainted once to be honest. I have thrown up in his presence because when he comes in the room and this aura comes and my stomach starts hurting and I know I am in trouble. He is so different now. Time and age has changed him and he sees his grandchildren and he wants to be a better father. It is almost like the ship has sailed its course, and it is so hard for me to accept this other guy that is not the guy I was raised with. I just wished he had learned that earlier."
In the excerpts provided to CNN by the book's publisher, there were no quotes from Jackson discussing his drug use, but Boteach does write about what he saw during the several years he was Jackson's spiritual adviser, starting in 1999.
While Boteach said he never personally saw Jackson use drugs, he did suspect it. "In the time that I knew him, he always seemed intent on me having a positive view of him and nothing untoward was ever done in my presence," he wrote.
While their close relationship ended around the time of the molestation charges, Boteach said Jackson's parents reached out to him later for help in convincing him to enter drug rehab.
"Perhaps I could inspire Michael to make that decision, and his parents thought I could at least help," Boteach said. "But I knew they were wrong. Michael had long since ceased taking my counsel. He found my advice too demanding. I was an irritant and was treated as such."
He said he told Joe and Katherine Jackson that "it was imperative for them to save their son's life by becoming available parents in his greatest hour of need."
Sometimes those closest to Jackson were not people -- but mannequins, the book said. Jackson said he was so shy at times he surrounded himself with dummies.
"Because I felt I needed people, someone, and I didn't have," he said. "I was too shy to be around real people."
Boteach, in the NBC interview Friday, said it made his skin crawl to hear that.
"His celebrity had created a degree of isolation where he could not simply feel comfortable around other people," Boteach said. "He thought that everybody wanted something from him. He felt that he was trapped in this cocoon of fame and that there was some exploitative relationship with virtually everyone that he met."
The book does offer insight into Jackson's dating of celebrity women, including actress Brooke Shields.
"That was one of the loves of my life," Jackson said. "I just wished she loved me as much as I loved her, you know."
He told Boteach one problem he had with women was their jealousy of his fame.
"They admire you and know you're wonderful and great, but just they're jealous because they wish they were in your place, with they were in your shoes. And 'M' is one of them -- Madonna. Hate to say that on tape."
CNN asked Madonna's publicist Liz Rosenberg for a response:
"Madonna was very fond of Michael Jackson (as she clearly expressed in her tribute to him at the VMA's) and I doubt anything in the book will change her mind," Rosenberg said.
Malcom X Death: Assassination Part 11.

On February 21, 1965, in Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom, Malcolm X began to speak to a meeting of the Organization of Afro-American Unity when a disturbance broke out in the crowd of 400. A man yelled, "Nigger! Get your hand outta my pocket!" As Malcolm X and his bodyguards moved to quiet the disturbance a man rushed forward and shot him in the chest with a sawed-off shotgun. Two other men charged the stage and fired handguns, hitting him 16 times. Angry onlookers caught and beat one of the assassins as the others fled the ballroom. Malcolm X was pronounced dead at 3:30 p.m., shortly after he arrived at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.
Talmadge Hayer, a Black Muslim also known as Thomas Hagan, was arrested on the scene.Eyewitnesses identified two more suspects, Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson, also members of the Nation of Islam. All three were charged in the case. At first Hayer denied involvement, but during the trial he confessed to having fired shots at Malcolm X. He testified that Butler and Johnson were not present and were not involved in the assassination, but he declined to name the men who had joined him in the shooting. All three men were convicted.
Butler, now known as Muhammad Abdul Aziz, was paroled in 1985. He became the head of the Nation of Islam's Harlem mosque in New York in 1998. He continues to maintain his innocence Johnson, now known as Khalil Islam, was released from prison in 1987. During his time in prison, he rejected the teachings of the Nation of Islam and converted to Sunni Islam. He, too, maintains his innocence. Hayer, now known as Mujahid Halim, was paroled in 1993.
måndag 28 september 2009
Or do you eat out of ours brother's dead flesh?

Islam condemns terrorism
söndag 27 september 2009

JIMMY MASSEY - We had reached the military site Al-Rashid on an overcast, dark and sinister day. . . . When we stopped, I saw ten Iraqis, about 150 yards away. They were under forty years old, clean and dressed in the traditional white garment. They stayed on the side of the road waving signs and screaming anti-American slogans. . . .
I acquired a new target right away, a demonstrator on all fours who was trying to run away as fast as possible. I quickly aimed for the head; I breathed in deeply, breathed out, and I fired again. One head: boom! Another: boom! The center of a mass in the bull's eye: boom! Another: boom! I kept on until the moment when I saw no more movement from the demonstrators. There was no answering fire. I must have fired at least a dozen times. It all lasted no longer than two and a half minutes.
I know that they had also been shot in the back; some of them were crawling and their white clothes turned red. The M-16's 5.56 is a nasty bullet: it doesn't kill all at once. For example, it can enter the chest and come out at the knee, tearing all the internal organs on the way through. My guys were jumping around in every direction.
Those demonstrators were the first people I killed. . . .
[Translated by Truth Out]
News organizations worldwide published or broadcast Massey's claims without any corroboration and in most cases without investigation. Outside of the Marines, almost no one has seriously questioned whether Massey, a 12-year veteran who was honorably discharged, was telling the truth.
He wasn't.
Each of his claims is either demonstrably false or exaggerated - according to his fellow Marines, Massey's own admissions, and the five journalists who were embedded with Massey's unit, including a reporter and photographer from the Post-Dispatch and reporters from The Associated Press and The Wall Street Journal. . .
[He] backtracked from allegations he made in a May 2004 radio interview and elsewhere that he had seen a tractor-trailer filled with the bodies of Iraqi civilians when Marines entered an Iraqi military prison outside Baghdad. He said the Iraqis had been killed by American artillery. He told listeners that the scene was so bad "that the plasma from the body and skin was decomposing and literally oozing out of the crevices of the tractor-trailer bed."
He repeated the story in the Post-Dispatch interview. But when told that the newspaper's photographs and eyewitness reports had identified the trailer contents as all men, mostly in uniform, Massey admitted that he had never seen the bodies. Instead, he said, he received his information from "intelligence reports." When asked if those reports were official documents, he answered, "No, that's what the other Marines told me.". . .
He almost always told his audiences and interviewers of an event he said he'd never forget: Marines in his unit shooting four civilian Iraqis in red Kia automobile. In some accounts, Massey said Marines fired at the vehicle after it failed to stop at a checkpoint. In another version, he said the Marines stormed the car.
Sometimes he said three of the men were killed immediately while the fourth was wounded and covered in blood; sometimes he said the fourth man was "miraculously unscathed."
Sometimes he said the Marines left the three men on the side of the road to die without medical treatment while the fourth man exclaimed: "Why did you shoot my brother?" In other versions, he said the man made the statement as medical personnel were attempting to treat the three other men, or as the survivor sat near the car, or to Massey personally.
There is no evidence that any of the versions occurred.
In a speech in Syracuse in March, the Post Standard newspaper quoted him as saying, "The reason the Marines teach you discipline . . . is so that you can confront the enemy and kill him. . . . Or so you can put a bullet into a 6-year-old, which is what I did. "
In the interview with the Post-Dispatch, Massey said he never personally had shot a child.
"I meant that's what my unit did," he said.
He could not provide details.
Nor could he name any Marine who could corroborate any of his stories.
"Admitting guilt is a hard thing to do," he said.
Researching other stories done by Harris over 2003 and 2004, the guerrillas hiding behind civilians becomes a recurrent topic. He was also as enamored of florid prose as Shacochis. That's what happens when you are writing about those you love.
The problem was, according to former Marine Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey, who was interviewed at the Boston Veterans for Peace Convention in 2004, Harris' description was heavily embellished. Contact that day was thin and sporadic.
"As his Marine unit entered Iraq it came upon empty Iraqi military bases with weapons lying on the road. 'We shot it up with everything we had, and we were laughing and having a good time. The Iraqis let us in the country; we didn't take it.'
"Upon entering Baghdad his unit came upon an unarmed pro-Saddam demonstration. His unit killed several of the demonstrators. 'I knew that we caused the insurgency to be pissed off because they had witnessed us executing innocent civilians.' Massey told us how the U.S.-embedded reporter, Ron Harris, from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote that there was a ferocious battle between his unit and the Iraqi military, but it never happened. The reporter was writing what the Marines wanted him to write.". . .
Jimmy Massey didn't meet Harris that day, or ever, because while Harris was embedded with Lima Company 3/7, Jimmy was assigned to Weapons Company. In fact, Ron Harris has never so much as called Jimmy Massey on the telephone or attempted to send Jimmy Massey an email until he called several weeks ago to tell Jimmy to retract all his claims or be "exposed."
Harris hasn't read the book nor has he called Jimmy Massey except once to demand he retract his claims, but that didn't deter him from writing his hit-piece. . .
Harris goes on . . . to claim that Massey said he had personally killed a 6-year-old. But Massey says that this was a misquote that grew legs. There was a child among the dead when demonstrators were shot in Resheed. The original statement was "I brought these series of events up through the chain of command. Each time I was told they were terrorists, or they were insurgents.
Harris says, "While touring with Sheehan in Montgomery, Ala., he told of seeing the girl's body." Sheehan did not join that leg of the three-bus tour until Atlanta. She was never in Montgomery. I just got an email from Cindy confirming that. No big deal in most circumstances. Just a minor error. But since what is good for the Massey-goose is examination with an electron microscope, let's just say its sauce for the Post-Dispatch's embedded-gander.
JIMMY MASSEY, COUNTERPUNCH - Major newspapers and media outlets published my story. Neither the Marine Corps nor any of my platoon members filed any charges against me as a result of my claims in over 20 months. Nor did they attempt any defamation campaign to counteract my allegations that the large numbers of civilians killed in the invasion, as a result of failed strategies, fomented anti-American sentiment, and fueled the insurgency.
Quantico Marine Base Public Affairs Officer Lt. Col. Richard Long, former director of Public Affairs and the embedded reporter program in Iraq, began circulating an article Monday published in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Saturday, November 5, by former embedded reporter Ron Harris, accusing me of lying. Harris not only was not assigned to my Weapon's Company, (he was with Lima), and was not present for any of the incidents he disputes, but before last week, had not spoken with me once since my return.
On Monday, Harris appeared on CNN's "American Morning," in an unrebutted interview stating, "not only did I not see any protesters, nobody saw any protesters," and "nobody ever interviewed the Marines, which I did all of." Nobody ever checked his story. . .
Harris' apparent contempt for me seems to stem from the fact that one and a half years ago, I exposed him for having greatly embellished an incident at Rasheed Military complex in his April 9, 2003, article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch In the article, Harris described a dramatic, daylong battle glorifying heroic deeds and describing guerillas "hiding behind civilians."
It is ironic that Ron Harris should accuse others of bad reporting. It was Ron Harris himself that misquoted me as having mentioned a 4 year old with a bullet in her head, and then conveniently used his own misquote to accuse me of lying.
Sgt. Massey: I went to Kuwait around January 17th. I was in Iraq from the get-go. And I was involved in the initial invasion.
Paul Rockwell: What does the public need to know about your experiences as a Marine?
Sgt. Massey: The cause of the Iraqi revolt against the American occupation. What they need to know is we killed a lot of innocent people. I think at first the Iraqis had the understanding that casualties are a part of war. But over the course of time, the occupation hurt the Iraqis. And I didn't see any humanitarian support.
Paul Rockwell: What experiences turned you against the war and made you leave the Marines?
Sgt. Massey: I was in charge of a platoon that consists of machine gunners and missile men. Our job was to go into certain areas of the towns and secure the roadways.
There was this one particular incident -- and there's many more -- the one that really pushed me over the edge. It involved a car with Iraqi civilians. From all the intelligence reports we were getting, the cars were loaded down with suicide bombs or material. That's the rhetoric we received from intelligence. They came upon our checkpoint. We fired some warning shots. They didn't slow down. So we lit them up.
Paul Rockwell: Lit up? You mean you fired machine guns?
Sgt. Massey: Right. Every car that we lit up we were expecting ammunition to go off. But we never heard any. Well this particular vehicle we didn't destroy completely, and one gentleman looked up at me and said: 'Why did you kill my brother? We didn't do anything wrong.' That hit me like a ton of bricks.
Paul Rockwell: He spoke English?
Sgt. Massey: Oh, yeah.
Paul Rockwell: Baghdad was being bombed. The civilians were trying to get out, right?
Sgt. Massey: Yes. They received pamphlets, propaganda we dropped on them. It said 'Just throw up your hands, lay down weapons.' That's what they were doing, but we were still lighting them up. They weren't in uniform. We never found any weapons.
Paul Rockwell: You got to see the bodies and casualties?
Sgt. Massey: Yea, first hand. I helped throw them in a ditch.
Paul Rockwell: Over what period did all this take place?
Sgt. Massey: During the invasion of Baghdad.
Paul Rockwell: How many times were you involved in check-point "light-ups"?
Sgt. Massey: Five times.
Paul Rockwell: The reports said the cars were loaded with explosives. In all the incidents did you find that to be the case?
Sgt. Massey: Never. Not once. There were no secondary explosions. As a matter of fact, we lit up a rally.
Paul Rockwell: A demonstration? WhereSgt. Massey: On the outskirts of Baghdad. Near a military compound. There were demonstrators at the end of the street. They were young and they had no weapons.
And when we rolled onto the scene, there was already a tank that was parked on the side of the road. If the Iraqis wanted to do something, they could have blown up the tank. But they didn't. They were only holding a demonstration.
Down at the end of the road, we saw some RPGs (rocket--propelled grenades) lined up against the wall. That put us at ease because we thought: 'Wow, if they were going to blow us up, they would have done it.'
Paul Rockwell: Were the protest signs in English or Arabic?
Sgt. Massey: Both.
Paul Rockwell: Who gave the order to wipe the demonstrators out?
Sgt. Massey: Higher Command. We were told to be on the lookout for civilians because a lot of the Fedayeen and the Republican Guards had tossed away uniforms and put on civilian clothes and were mounting terrorist attacks on American soldiers.
The intelligence reports that were given to us were basically known by every member of the chain of command.
The rank structure that was implemented in Iraq by the chain of command was evident to every Marine in Iraq. The order to shoot the demonstrators, I believe, came from senior government officials including intelligence communities within the military and the U.S. government?
Paul Rockwell: What kind of firepower was employed?
Sgt. Massey: M-16s, 50-cal.machine guns.
Paul Rockwell: You fired into six or ten kids? Were they all taken out?
Sgt. Massey: Oh, yeah. Well, I had a 'mercy' on one guy. When we rolled up, he was hiding behind a concrete pillar. I saw him and raised my weapon up, and he put up his hands. He ran off.
I told everybody 'Don't shoot.' Half of his foot was trailing behind him. So he was running with half of his foot cut off.
Paul Rockwell: After you lit up the demonstration, how long before the next incident?
Sgt. Massey: Probably about one or two hours. This is another thing, too. I am so glad I am talking with you, because I suppressed all of this.
Paul Rockwell: Well I appreciate you giving me the information, as hard as it must be to recall the painful details.
Sgt. Massey: That's all right. It's kind of therapy for me. Because it's something that I had repressed for a long time.
Paul Rockwell: And the incident?
Sgt. Massey: There was an incident with one of the cars. We shot an individual with his hands up. He got out of the car. He was badly shot. We lit him up. I don't know who started shooting first. One of the Marines came running over to where we were and said: 'You all just shot a guy with his hands up.' Man, I forgot about this.
Depleted Uranium and Cluster Bombs
Paul Rockwell: You mention missiles and machine guns. What can you tell me about cluster bombs, or depleted uranium?
Sgt. Massey: Depleted uranium. I know what it does. It's basically like leaving plutonium rods around. I'm 32 years old. I have eighty-percent of my lung capacity. I ache all the time. I don't feel like a healthy 32-year old.
Paul Rockwell: Were you in the vicinity of of depleted uranium?
Sgt. Massey: Oh, yeah. It's everywhere. DU is everywhere on the battlefield. If you hit a tank, there's dust.
Paul Rockwell: Did you breath any dust?
Sgt. Massey: Yeah.
Paul Rockwell: And if DU is affecting you or our troops, it's impacting Iraqi civilians.
Sgt. Massey: Oh, yeah. They got a big wasteland problem.
Paul Rockwell: Do Marines have any precautions about dealing with DU?
Sgt. Massey: Not that I know of. Well, if a tank gets hit, crews are detained for a little while to make sure there are no signs or symptoms. American tanks have depleted uranium on the sides, and the projectiles have DU in them. If an enemy vehicle gets hit, the area gets contaminated.
Dead rounds are in the ground. The civilian populace is just now starting to learn about it. Hell, I didn't even know about DU until two years ago. You know how I found out about it? I read an article in Rolling Stones magazine. I just started inquiring about it, and I said 'Holy shit!'
Paul Rockwell: Cluster bombs are also controversial. U.N. commissions have called for a ban. Were you acquainted with cluster bombs?
Sgt. Massey: I had one of my Marines in my battalion who lost his leg from a cluster bomb.
Paul Rockwell: What happened?
Sgt. Massey: He stepped on it. We didn't get to training about clusters until about a month before I left.
Paul Rockwell: What kind of training?
Sgt. Massey: They told us what they looked like, and not to step on them.
Paul Rockwell: Were you in any areas where they were dropped?
Sgt. Massey: Oh yeah. They were everywhere.
Paul Rockwell: Dropped from the air?
Sgt. Massey: From the air as well as artillery.
Paul Rockwell: Are they dropped far away from cities, or inside the cities?
Sgt. Massey: They are used everywhere. Now if you talked to a Marine artillery officer, he would give you the runaround, the politically correct answer. But for an average grunt, they're everywhere.
Paul Rockwell: Including inside the towns and cities?
Sgt. Massey: Yes, if you were going into a city, you knew there were going to be cluster bombs.
Paul Rockwell: Cluster bombs are anti-personnel weapons. They are not precise. They don't injure buildings, or hurt tanks. Only people and living things. There are a lot of undetonated duds and they go off after the battles are over.
Sgt. Massey: Once the round leaves the tube, the cluster bomb has a mind of its own. There's always human error. I'm going to tell you. The armed forces are in a tight spot over there. It's starting to leak out about the civilian casualties that are taking place. The Iraqis know. I keep hearing reports from my Marine buddies inside that there were 200-something civilians killed in Fallujah. The military is scrambling right now to keep the raps on that. My understanding is Fallujah is just littered with civilian bodies.
Embedded Reporters
Paul Rockwell: How are the embedded reporters responding?
Sgt. Massey: I had embedded reporters in my unit, not my platoon. One we had was a South African reporter. He was scared shitless. We had an incident where one of them wanted to go home.
Paul Rockwell: Why?
Sgt. Massey: It was when we started going into Baghdad. When he started seeing the civilian casualties, he started wigging out a little bit. It didn't start until we got on the outskirts of Baghdad and started taking civilian casualties.
Sgt. Massey: Oh, yeah. Later on I found out that was a typical day. I talked with my commanding officer after the incident. He came up to me and says: 'Are you o.k?' I said: 'No, today is not a good day.
Paul Rockwell: Your feelings changed during the invasion. What was your state of mind before the invasion?
Sgt. Massey: I was like every other troop. My president told me they got weapons of mass destruction, that Saddam threatened the free world, that he had all this might and could reach us anywhere. I just bought into the whole thing.
Paul Rockwell: What changed you?
Sgt. Massey: The civilian casualties taking place. That was what made the difference. That was when I changed.
Paul Rockwell: Did the revelations that the government fabricated the evidence for war affect the troops?
Sgt. Massey: Yes. I killed innocent people for our government. For what? What did I do? Where is the good coming out of it? I feel like I've had a hand in some sort of evil lie at the hands of our government. I just feel embarrassed, ashamed about it.
Showdown with the Brass
Paul Rockwell: I understand that all the incidents -- killing civilians at checkpoints, itchy fingers at the rally -- weigh on you. What happened with your commanding officers? How did you deal with them?
Sgt. Massey: There was an incident. It was right after the fall of Baghdad, when we went back down South. On the outskirts of Karbala, we had a morning meeting on the battle plan. I was not in a good mindset. All these things were going through my head -- about what we were doing over there. About some of the things my troops were asking.
Paul Rockwell: What happened then?
Sgt. Massey: After I talked to the top commander, I was kind of scurried away. I was basically put on house arrest. I didn't talk to other troops, I didn't want to hurt them. I didn't want to jeopardize them.
I want to help people. I felt strongly about it. I had to say something. When I was sent back to stateside, I went in front of the regimental Sergeant Major. He's in charge of 3500-plus Marines. 'Sir,' I told him, 'I don't want your money. I don't want your benefits. What you did was wrong.' It was just a personal conviction with me. I've had an impeccable career. I chose to get out.
This interview first appeared in the Sacramento Bee. Paul Rockwell is a writer in the Bay Area
Malcom X In the United States Part 10

In June 1964, the Nation of Islam sued to reclaim Malcolm X's residence in Queens, New York, which they claimed to own. The suit was successful, and Malcolm X was ordered to vacate. On February 14, 1965, the night before a scheduled hearing to postpone the eviction date, the house burned to the ground. Malcolm X and his family survived. No one was charged with any crime.