Author: Imaam Abu Bakr al-Âdjurrî Source: al-Sharî'ah, pp. 398-403 Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabî Published 20/01/2008 238 -
Hold on to your knowledge - may Allah have mercy on us and you - the Qur'an says that Allah ( 'Azza wa djall) created Paradise and Hell before Adam (' alayhis-salam). He has created people to paradise and the people to hell before he brought them to Earth. Muslims and the believers are united on this. The evidence for the existence of the Qur'an and Sunnah. We seek Allah's protection against those who deny it. 239
- If someone says that we must explain it to him, we say: Allah did not create Adam and Hawa 'and let them live in paradise? He ( 'Azza wa djall) said:
وقلنا يا آدم اسكن أنت وزوجك الجنة وكلا منها رغدا حيث شئتما ولا تقربا هذه الشجرة فتكونا من الظالمين
"Adam! Take, you and your wife, a house in this garden, and eat as you have the desire to what is there, but do not approach this tree, for then you will both be among the oppressors! "[1]
يا بني آدم لا يفتننكم الشيطان كما أخرج أبويكم من الجنة
"Sons of Adam! Do not let the devil tempt you as he took out your ancestor and you, the parent strain from Paradise. "
[2] Allah ( 'Azza wa djall) drove out Adam and Hawa' from paradise. Then He forgave them and promised them to bring them back to paradise. On the other hand, he also drove out Iblis out of heaven and forbade him there for ever. 240 - Ibn 'Abbas said about the verse
فتلقى آدم من ربه كلمات
"Adam reached by the words of his Lord" [3]: (in importance), "He said," Lord, You have not created me with Your Hand? "He said," Yes. "He said," Lord, You have not blown into me Your spirit? "He said," Well . 'He said,' Lord, did not reach your mercy to me before your anger? "He said," Yes. "He said," Lord, You have not let me live in your paradise? "He said," Yes. "He said: "Lord, may I come back to paradise if I change my mind and mend me?" He said, "Yes." 241 -
Hassan bin 'Atiyyah said: "Adam cried for sixty years when he was driven out of paradise, and he wept for forty years when his son was murdered." 242 - Yazid ar-Ruqâshî said: "After Adam had been crying a long time of paradise, he was asked about the reason for it.
He said: "I am crying because I'm not close to my Lord in a house whose ground is lovely and in which I hear angelic voices." 243 -
Abu Hurayrah (radhiya Allahu 'anh) reported that the Prophet (Salla Allahu' alayhi wa sallam) said (in meaning): 'After that Allah (' Azza wa djall) had created the heaven and the fire, he sent Djibril ( 'alayhis-salam) to Paradise, saying: "Look at it and what I have been preparing for its people!"
He looked, came back and said: "When your power! Nobody will hear about it, but that they enter into it. "Then he ordered that it would be met with difficulties. Then He said: "Go and look at it!" Then he said: "When your power! I fear that nobody will enter into it.
"He said," Go and look at the fire and what I have been preparing for its people! "He looked, came back and said:" When your power! Nobody will hear about it and then enter into it. "Then he ordered that it would be covered with lust. Then He said: "Go and look at it!"
Then he said: "When your power! I fear that no one will fail to enter into it. "[4] 244 - Ibn 'Abbas (radhiya Allahu' anhumâ) reported that the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said (in meaning): "I looked into the fire and saw that most such women. I looked into Paradise and saw that most are so poor. "[5] 245 - Abu Hurayrah (radhiya Allahu 'anh) reported that the Prophet (Salla Allahu' alayhi wa sallam) said (in meaning):
"Once, argued the Fire and Paradise. One said: "I myself will oppressors and proud to be." The other said: "I myself will be weak and poor to be." Then said Allah ( 'Azza wa djall) to one of them: "You are My punishment. With you I punish it I would. "Then He said to the other:" You are My mercy. With your compassion I am over it I would - and both of you shall be filled! "[6] 246
- Anas bin Malik (radhiya Allahu 'anh) reported that the Prophet (Salla Allahu' alayhi wa sallam) said (in meaning): "If a person asks Allah ( 'Azza wa djall) on Paradise three times," says paradise: "Allah, for him in paradise." And if a person seeking protection of Allah (' Azza wa djall) from the Fire three times, "says Elden: "Allah, protect him from the Fire." "[7]
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[1] 2:35.
[2] 7:27.
[3] 2:37.
[4] Abu Dawud (4744), at-Tirmidhī (2560), an-Nasa'i (7/3-4) and others. Al-Albani said: "Good and authentic." (Sahih Sunan Abī Dāwūd (3 / 162))
[5] Ahmad (1 / 234) and at-Tirmidhī (2602) who said: "Good and authentic [hadîth]."
[6] Muslim (2846), al-Humaydî (1137), Ibn Hibban (7477) and others.
[7] at-Tirmidhī (2572), an-Nasa'i (8 / 279), Ibn Mâdjah (4340) and others.
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