Speakers' Allâmah 'Abdul-'Aziz bin' Abdillah Aal ash-Shaykh
Islam does not accept that innocent people are killed and terrorized or property destruction. It is unfair to attribute to Islam these appalling atrocities. Muslims are required to clarify the truth and expose lies. Likewise, they are obliged to inform all people that Islam is justice, goodness and success of religion. Islam is the last religion which Allah has chosen for mankind to lead it out of darkness into the light.
Allah says:
"This day have I completed your religion for you and given you my blessing in the fullest and I am satisfied that Islam be your religion." [1]
Our religion obliges us to perform our duties, and forbids us not to do so. Allah says: "And keep what you promise, promise comes responsibility." [2]
Islam prohibits that innocent people are killed. Allah says: "Do not take other people's lives as Allah has forbidden, except in righteous purpose." [3]
Furthermore, Islam considers it one of the gravest sins in order to destroy the earth. Allah says: "Among the people there are those whose speech about earthly things you are fond of: he takes Allah for a witness in his heart, but he is the most rancorous opponents in litigation. When he turns around, he devotes himself to disturb the order of the earth and spread depravity and lay waste to standing crops and fruit. Verily Allah loves not disorder and Morals depravity. And when someone calls him to fear Allah, his pride drives him into further sin. Hell is good enough for him - this wretched resting! "[4]
Source: saudiembassy.net (07/08/2005)
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