However, so we advise all who adopted Islam as their religion, to register with the appropriate authority. This is to facilitate the pilgrimage, and also to the faithful at his death shall receive a proper burial.
Now, if someone has a sincere desire to become a Muslim and owner of a heartfelt conviction that Islam is the religion of truth, decreed by Allah before all mankind, then it is appropriate to immediately pronounce "Shahada", the confession of faith.
The Holy Qur'an is clear about this. Allah states:
"The right religion before God is the true Islam"
(Quran 3:17)
In another of the Holy Quran's melodious verses, Allah tells us:
"Today I have perfected your religion for you, made my grace fully commented and have seen fit to give you the Islam religion"
(Quran 5:5)
Muhammad (saws), Allah's Prophet said: Islam is the foundation of five pillars: 1. Testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (saws) is His messenger. 2nd Perform the prayer. 3rd Distribute Zakat (alms) 4th Fasting month of Ramadan 5th Perform the pilgrimage to Mecca.
To testify (Shahada) reads as follows:
"ASH-hadu (I testify) anla-Ilah (there is no God) ILL-ALLAH (except Allah), WA ASH-hadu (and I bear witness) ANNA MUHHAMMADAN Rasul-Allah ( that Muhammad is His Messenger) "
However, it is not enough to merely expresses an oral confession, either alone or before witnesses, of greater importance is the heart steadfast and strong faith. If you possess a genuine passion for truth and fully joins his life for Allah's word, then it will certainly be reborn in Islam.
Faith will inspire him to fight for the perfection of his personality, and eventually elevate him to perfection and spiritual nobility. Allah's light will flow in his heart until he has become an ideal and an embodiment of the faith.
The next step, after explicitly declared themselves Muslim, is to penetrate the core of Creed, which is the Oneness of Allah, through the knowledge in their hearts, ponder it and let it permeate all his words and deeds. What is meant by the words of the first words of the Shahada?
"ASH-hadu anla ilaha illa Allah".
The truth is that no god worthy of human worship except Allah, for no god exists at his side. To worship idols, is nothing but vanity and the association benefit. Praise Allah the One, the Eternal, who alone deserves to be worshiped, then He, of unrestricted diet, gave us life as a gift and stayed and taken care of creation. Human beings must bow down and worship Allah, yes, only He is worthy of our worship. Shahada second part.
"WA ASH-hadu ANNA MUHAMMADAN Rasul-Allah",
means that Prophet Muhammad () is Allah's servant and chosen messenger. If this is no doubt. It is incumbent on Muslims to obey the Prophet's commandments, to entertain a belief in his statements, to practice his teachings, to avoid what he is banned, to imitate him in his life, and to worship only Allah, as it appeared the message, conveyed to humanity by him. What does that worship and adoration?
It is to honestly and humbly show reverence towards Allah. In a deeper sense, it means that fully submit to Allah's will and live in agreement with His law explicitly and implicitly in word and deed. Worship subsumed into two categories:
1. The visible (external or manifest)
2nd The invisible (internal or hidden) The visible worship includes acts such as saying Shahada, perform the prayer, distribute Zakat, recitation of the Holy Qur'an, praise and glorify Allah, performing the ritual ablution before prayers, etc. This type of worship is associated with the human body's movements, with the rites and mannerisms.
Invisible worship is to believe in Allah, the Day of Resurrection, angels, Allah's Books, His Prophets and the Divine predestination. This kind of worship does not involve any body movement, but certainly puts the heart in motion, and consequently impact on how people live their lives.
All worship is not directed to Allah is polytheism and is a waste of Islam. The next step for a recent convert to Islam is to purify his body by a full bath, acquire Islamic rules and principles as a toalitet, without gaps or additions. He will then resign from all false superstitions and all forms of idolatry.
Reject evil and seek righteousness. All these are consequences of the confession of faith. La ilaha illa-Allah.
Allah tells us in the Holy Qur'an:
".. whoever rejects evil and put their faith in Allah, has taken a grep on the most reliable grip, never to be broken .."
We must take into account that when we cry out our heart's deep, that there is no God except Allah, so include it, for our part, love, reverence, faith and obedience to the Islamic laws, which all Muslims are bound by.
It is a requirement that only love for Allah's sake, and give up only for the sake of Allah. We conclude with a humble prayer to Allah, that he may purify the heart and soul of those who sincerely and restlessly seeking the truth, and may He bless the community of believers.
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