There are ten Muslim terror cells in Sweden, the Sweden Democrats argue President Jimmie Åkesson in an article in Aftonbladet, I heard said on the radio this morning. Åkesson summarizes his opinion piece with:
"Muslims are the biggest threat since World War II".
Jan Hjärpe, professor of Islamic knowledge, say there is racism from Åkesson page.
Sweden Democrats may be produced from adult and fattened probably still the soil from extreme movements. But right in a democratic society must all get to criticize others' ideas. Islam is a kind of idea. All religions are well a kind of ideological thinking? It must be allowed to express criticism of religions.
Akesson that makes it lacks nuance is another matter. But whatever it is: it is not hate speech and it is not racism. Islam is a religion and also a Swedish can be a Muslim.
From Aftonbladet:
Jan Hjärpe, professor emeritus of Islamic studies, says that much of the argument based on false allegations.
- It is more dubious claims. And it would have ten terror organizations in Sweden, in short, a lie. Jan Hjärpe, draws parallels to the Nazi anti-Semitism. - It's the same type of propaganda. This is also racist undertones, because this rhetoric implies that religion is crucial to how people act. This is clearly hate speech. This is really, really scary, "said Jan Hjärpe.
It's hardly hate speech. Do not let Åkesson have become a symbol of freedom. It must be allowed to be critical of religions. Recent SIFO survey says that SD has 4.7 percent of voter support. Make them not to fight for our freedom. Of course, democracy tolerate criticism of Islam, just like everything else in society can tolerate criticism. Counter Åkesson claims with facts instead.
We should not forget that SD is born from a tradition that does not directly protect freedom of expression.
Incidentally, this blog is not a defense for Åkesson opinion or his opinion article. By contrast, blog post on a defense of the right to discuss and put forward opinions and thoughts. It is uncomfortable when opinions are presented as freedom of expression is tested.
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