Author: Imaam Ibn Qayyim-il-Djawziyyah Source:
Hadi-ul-Arwâh ila Bilâd-il-Afrah, pp. 78 There yet-Nadwah al-Djadîdah, 1414/1994 Abbreviation: darulhadith.com Published 20/01/2008
There have been several names given its characteristics, while its essence is one. In this way, is synonymous with the view of the essence, but differ with regard to the properties. The same principle applies to the Lord (subhânahu wa Ta'al), his writings, Envoy, doom and hell's name. First Djannah (Pleasure Garden).
This is a general name that covers all happiness, sweetness, beauty, joy and happiness in it. The foundation of the words is all that is obscure and cover. Hence derived the words "Djanîn" (development) which is hidden in the womb, "Djan" (demo) which is hidden from the eye, "Madjnûn" (crazy) whose mind is covered, and trace, "Midian" (helmet) which protects and covers face and "Djan" (snake) is a small, thin snake. Equally known for the gardens' Djannah "because they obscure and covers those who are inside them with trees. Second: Dar-us-Salam (Peace habitation).
Allah named it so:
لهم دار السلام عند ربهم
"In their Lord awaits them peace and the abode of bliss." [1] There is no habitation worthy of this name as paradise. Thus, there are no trials, diseases and contemptuous name. It is Allah's dwelling place, because one of his (subhânahu wa Ta'al) name is just "as-Salam" (Peace):
والملائكة يدخلون عليهم من كل باب سلام عليكم بما صبرتم
"And the angels will receive them from every gate: 'Peace to you for your patience and your endurance!" "[2] Thirdly, Dar-ul-Khuld (Eternity habitation). It received this name because its inhabitants will live there for ever. Allah said: لا يمسهم فيها نصب وما هم منها بمخرجين
"They will not feel tired, and they shall never leave it."
[3] Fourth: Dar-ul-Maqâmah (Eternity habitation). Allah told us that its people will say:
الذي أحلنا دار المقامة من فضله لا يمسنا فيها نصب ولا يمسنا فيها لغوب
"In His grace He has instructed us that eternal abode, where we shall never feel tired or lead!" [4] Fifthly Djannat-ul-Ma'wâ (Vilans garden).
Allah said:
عندها جنة المأوى
"Next to the rest period the Garden of Eden." [5] Ibn 'Abbas said: "It is the garden that Djibril and the remaining angels reside in. Muqâtil and al-Kalbi said: "It is the garden of the martyrs' souls are." Ka'ba saying: "Vilans garden is the garden in the green birds flying around, and there is also the martyrs souls." 'Â'ishah said: "It is one of the havens." Sixthly Djannât 'AND (Eden gardens). It has been said that it is one of the havens.
The correct view is that there is a broad name for all of paradise, for all are the gardens of Eden:
جنات عدن التي وعد الرحمن عباده
"Eden's gardens, as the Merciful has promised His servants."
[6] Seventh: Dar-ul-Hayawân (Life habitation). Allah said:
وإن الدار الآخرة لهي الحيوان
"But in eternity's mansions are life in its fullness."
[7] Qur'an-interpreters say that these dwellings is paradise. They said: "Eternity mansions is paradise. It is the abode of life, and there is no death. " al-Kalbi said: "There is life and no death." az-Zadjdjâdj said: "There is an eternal life." Eight Firdaws (Paradise).
He (Ta'al) said:
أولئك هم الوارثون الذين يرثون الفردوس هم فيها خالدون
"They are the heirs, who shall take the paradise of heritage and where they shall remain for ever." [8] Firdaws said both the Paradise and all the best and highest part of it. Firdaws means garden. Ka'ba saying:
"There is a garden in which grow grapes." Mudjâhid said: "Firdaws is a Roman word for" garden "." Ninth: Djannât Na'im (happiness gardens). Allah said:
إن الذين
آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات لهم جنات النعيم
"For those who believe and live righteous waiting happiness gardens." [9] This name covers all paradise. Tenth: al-maqâm al-Amin (the safe spot). Allah said: إن المتقين في مقام أمين "But those who fear Allah will be in a safe place." [10] Eleventh: Maq'ad Sidq (Truth location). Allah said: إن المتقين في جنات ونهر في مقعد صدق عند مليك مقتدر "The righteous shall reside in the gardens and streams, on a true place for an all-powerful King." [11]
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[1] 6:127.
[2] 13:23-24.
[3] 15:48.
[4] 35:35.
[5] 53:15.
[6] 19:61.
[7] 29:64.
[8] 23:10-11.
[9] 31:8.
[10] 44:51.
[11] 54:54-55.
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