Source: Imaam 'Abdul-'Aziz bin Baaz in Fatawa' Ulam al-Balad al-Haram, pp. 530-531.
What is the appeal to shake hands with a strange woman? What is the appeal if she puts something in his hand that makes you not touch her skin? Is there any difference if the person who shakes hands are young or old and whether she is old?
It is not permissible to shake hands with foreign women, regardless of whether the woman and the man is young or old because it is risky for both of them. It has been authentically reported from the Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) that he said: "Truly, I do not shake hands with women." Ancestry Nasa'i (7 / 149), Ibn Mâdjah (2874) and Ahmad (6 / 357).
'Â'ishah (radhiya Allahu' anhâ) said: "Never was Allah's Messengers (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) place a woman's hand. When they promised him allegiance, he accepted it through speech. "
Al-Bukhārī (5288) and Muslim (18666/357).
In addition, there is no difference between shaking hands with her if she has something on his hand or not because the proof is general, and to prevent the product leading to trial.
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