Author: Imaam Ibn Qayyim-il-Djawziyyah Source: Al-Fawâ'id, pp. 24-25 Maktabah ar-Rushd, 1424/2003 Published 08/04/2006
Qur'an has come up with proof that the Day of Resurrection will take place and they have three bases; 1 - Lord of Knowledge is complete and perfect. He replied that said:
وضرب لنا مثلا ونسي خلقه قال من يحيي العظام وهي رميم قل يحييها الذي أنشأها أول مرة وهو بكل خلق عليم
"She applies a metaphor for Us and forgets that she's created, and says:" Who can give life to the decaying bones? "Say: 'He who first created them to give them life, because he has knowledge of all creation."'
( 36:78-79)
وما خلقنا السماوات والأرض وما بينهما إلا بالحق وإن الساعة لآتية فاصفح الصفح الجميل إن ربك هو الخلاق العليم "We have not created the heavens and the earth and everything in between than in accordance with the truth. And Time will come. Forgive them, therefore, thy Lord is the creator of everything and has knowledge of everything. "
قد علمنا ما تنقص الأرض منهم وعندنا كتاب حفيظ
"We are well aware that the world breaks down and dissolves, and we have a preserved book."
2 - Lord's power is complete and perfect:
أوليس الذي خلق السماوات والأرض بقادر على أن يخلق مثلهم
بلى وهو الخلاق العليم
"Would not the heavens and earth induce re-create them as they were? Yes, certainly! He is the creator of everything, who has knowledge of everything. "
بلى قادرين على أن نسوي بنانه "Certainly we are capable of it! We are able to restore her fingertips! "
ذلك بأن الله هو الحق وأنه يحيي الموتى وأنه على كل شيء قدير
"This is because Allah is the Truth and it is He who raises the dead to life and he does everything in his power."
Moreover, he combined (subhânah) both of them and says:
أوليس الذي خلق السماوات والأرض بقادر على أن يخلق مثلهم بلى وهو الخلاق العليم "Would not the heavens and earth induce re-create them as they were? Yes, certainly! He is the creator of everything, who has knowledge of everything. "
(36:81) 3
- Lord Wisdom is complete and perfect:
وما خلقنا السماوات والأرض وما بينهما لاعبين "We have not created the heavens and the earth and everything in between for our pleasure."
وما خلقنا السماء والأرض وما بينهما باطلا "We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them without purpose."
أيحسب الإنسان أن يترك سدى "Do people that she be left alone to do what she wants?"
أفحسبتم أنما خلقناكم عبثا وأنكم إلينا لا ترجعون
"Did you think that We created you for fun and that you would not be brought back to Us?"
أم حسب الذين اجترحوا السيئات أن نجعلهم كالذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات سواء محياهم ومماتهم
"Do those who commit injustice that we must give them the same treatment, in life and in death, that we give those who believe and lead a righteous life?"
Based on this, it is proper to know the Day of Resurrection with the help of the intellect and Sharî'ahn.
This is something the Lord (Ta'al) perfection of His names and attributes require perfection. In addition, he is free from what Doomsday denierssays, as his perfect freedom from all imperfections and defects.
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