Salaam aleikum all my readers.
This is a very sensitive issue and topic that we Muslims every day may be in against us and we must respond to. I have a sister's blog has found a good and strong response to this on topic. May Allah reward her Jennah! Ameen!
It is so that I have a question, a very good question, I think. Question: Was the Prophet Muhammad saw a pedophile?
Before answering this, you shall know that I am doing my best. May Allah forgive me if I say something bad.
Bismillah Answer:
It is true that Prophet Muhammad peace be married Aisha when she was 6 years, and consummate the marriage when she was 9 years. But it is not true is that Prophet Muhammad saw was a pedophile.
In the past, there were zero limit on marriage, the Prophet Muhammad saw, and after him until around 1900 - century. There was nothing strange in that time that girls get married around 6 years, with men.
Why should non-believers just start hacking on the Prophet Muhammad peace be on him and call him a pedophile, when it was not pedofileri. In modern times if we get married in 18 years with someone who is over 18 years, called it pedofileri.
But in the past, there were no pedofileri, there were only forced into marriage. As we know, Islam has no limit on marriage, and there is rather forced into marriage. May Allah reward Turban - blogger, she did really a good answer to a "person" who question anything.
In any case, here is the answer she gave:
The marriage was completed when Aisha r.a. was 9 years old. Aisha had been female at that age, which was not unusual at the time, and were no longer children. You wonder how a grown man can marry a 9-year-old girl, girl, not children.
My reply I give in the form of a Contrarily question.
You call "the world's largest democracy" the U.S. and its founder, who lived more than a millennium later than Rasulullah Muhammad SAWS, for pedophiles? If not, why not? Let's look at historical facts:
1) before 1886 was the age of consent in sexual relationship (marriage) in the U.S. 6 years!
2) In 1887 moved the age limit to 10 years in the State of California.
3) In 1897 moved to the State of California that age to 14 years, and the rest of the states followed their example, took some 14, some 16 and some 18 years limit.
4) To date, the age of consent for marriage in the state of Massachusetts, 12 years. 2009. Pedophiles? Or not? It was no wonder more than a thousand years (more than 1200 years, later) after Rasulullah Muhammad SAWS time that adult men get married with a 6-year-old girls, was - in the United States. None of their contemporaries thought they were pedophiles.
Keep in mind that none of Rasulullah Muhammad SAWS contemporary sworn enemies who used the all one can only imagine to revile him, not one of them even thought to revile him for the marriage.
How come?
Well, for the same reason that white Christian Europeans who had occupied a new continent, and founded their state on land they had stolen by force from their indigenous peoples, did not think there was anything strange or unusual for more than a thousand years later.
WSL, Najm
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