Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging (Full Movie)
söndag 31 juli 2011
lördag 30 juli 2011
Norwegian government gets the message, drops US embassy (CIA) surveillance case
Norwegian government gets the message, drops US embassy (CIA) surveillance case
fredag 29 juli 2011
The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part I) [Voltaire Network]
The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part I) (Voltaire Network)
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen has discovered CIA files that document the agency’s connections to institutions and individuals figuring prominently in the lives of Barack Obama and his mother, father, grandmother, and stepfather,166741#article166741
Libyan rebel military leader killed
Libyan rebel military leader killed |
That's what you get for listening to Obama and the CIA criminals! July 28, 2011: The head of the CIA rebel's armed forces and two of his aides were killed by gunmen Thursday, the head of the rebel leadership said:
CNN NATO Bombing Hospital, Food Storage In Zletin Killing 11 Civilians, 25.07.11 War On Libya
CNN NATO Bombing Hospital, Food Storage In Zletin Killing 11 Civilians, 25.07.11 War On Libya
torsdag 28 juli 2011
Leaked Pentagon Video - Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior
Leaked Pentagon Video - Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior
New Federal Guidelines Will Allow Creation of Human-Animals Chimeras
New Federal Guidelines Will Allow Creation of Human-Animals Chimeras
Genetic Armageddon - Humanity's Greatest Threat - Alex Jones Special Report
Genetic Armageddon - Humanity's Greatest Threat - Alex Jones Special Report
“Brain-Chip” Implant in the brain of Magnus Olsson. “Brain-Chip” implantat i hjärnan på MAGNUS OLSSON ( E.U )
“Brain-Chip” Implant in the brain of Magnus Olsson. “Brain-Chip” implantat i hjärnan på MAGNUS OLSSON ( E.U )
Warning not to let you be anesthetized at the Karolinska they are connected to the project. Of course it's better with involuntary objects to the experiment not to be revealed
This man on the video has been unconscious after the procedure 10 times including 5 times so severely that he had to go to hospital, a little that has never happened before the surgery. He never reads the votes which had been his salvation. He has nothing to gain by making themselves, on the contrary, lost his business and wealth
Bohemian Grove Mystery
Bohemian Grove Mystery
It is located in California's redwood forest. Around 2700 acres of forest land divided into dozens of camps. During the two weeks since the 1880s has the richest and most powerful men in the West met there. Leaks and undercover agents have testified about how decisions affecting the whole world is in Bohemian Grove, as well representatives from companies, financial institutions, political parties and mass media. Occult ceremonies are also occurring during the meeting.
onsdag 27 juli 2011
One Family, One Bloodline, One Rule
One Family, One Bloodline, One Rule
(and now it haves coming out that Madonna and Lady Gaga is cousins)
In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories of the 9/11 Families - Full Length
In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories of the 9/11 Families - Full Length
tisdag 26 juli 2011
Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Oslo Gunman's Massacre, A Design Ritual of Mind Control Using Fear!
Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Oslo Gunman's Massacre, A Design Ritual of Mind Control Using Fear!
Philip Schneider
Philip Schneider - Government Secrets Revealed - by Ashley O'Toole
(Posted here by Wes Penre: Feb 04, 2006)
(Posted here by Wes Penre: Feb 04, 2006)
Phil Schneider's Warning: NWO, DUMB, 911 & FEMA Camps
Phil Schneider's Warning: NWO, DUMB, 911 & FEMA Camps
Alex Collier Interview 1994 (Alien Races Explained) Part 1/13
Alex Collier Interview 1994 (Alien Races Explained) Part 1/13
(go in on you tube and see all 13 parts)
Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 7 (Final)
Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 7 (Final)
(from 1995)
Rik Clay och London-Zion-2012-boken
The Circle
Encircled by Arms Everlasting, The Zion on earth stands secure,Though dangers their dark shadows casting, Her downfall may seem to assure.
The Crown
Her people, weak, lowly despised, Are kings in the sight of their Lord
His sons and His daughters high-prized, Reborn by the Water and Word.
The Palms
Their faith every foe overcometh, The victory, the triumph is theirs;
Each warreth and never succumbeth, Unseen though the palms that he bears.
The Stars
Each true congregation of Zion, A star in the Lord's own right hand,
To light all those lost in sin's darkness, The way to the heavenly land.
One day, with great joy their sheaves bringing,
With absolute righteousness crowned,
With palms in their hands, their hearts singing,
About the Lamb's throne they'll be found.
Then they who were wise to turn sinners
From sin to Christ's righteousness here,
As stars shall these faithful soul-winners
For ever and ever shine there.
Rik Clay och London-Zion-2012-boken
London Zion 2012-boken har nämnts tidigare, anser att den är såpass intressant att den kan vara värd en egen rubrik. Länk till nyss nämnda bok: Av utdraget att döma verkar det finnas lite väl många ’tillfälligheter’ för att man skall vara övertygad om att det endast handlar om just tillfälligheter. Logon 2012, företaget bakom logon, gatu- och vägplaneringen, ’ley lines’, betydelsen av bokstäverna XXX samt andar och numerologi m.m. Därtill diskuteras the 2012 stadium design video (på sidan 30). Den Olympiska Kommittén skall ha släppt en video som visar på konstruktionsfaserna av den nya arenan. Något som är intressant med detta är (för)programmeringen av våra tankar. Rik Clay noterar det provokativa bildspråket. Han frågar sig: Since when was the London Olympics affiliated with small flying saucers, projected “blue energy” beams, a big ‘Independence day’ style mothership and huge robotic street walkers? Who came up with this concept? |
Den Globala Frimureriet
Den Globala Frimureriet Bemötandet av Murordern och dess filosofi |
Former CIA Official: Israel Will Bomb Iran In September
Former CIA Official: Israel Will Bomb Iran In September
July 15, 2011 4:04 pm ET — MJ Rosenberg
A longtime CIA officer who spent 21 years in the Middle East is predicting that Israel will bomb Iran in fall, dragging the United States into another major war and endangering U.S. military and civilian personnel (and other interests) throughout the Middle East and beyond.
Earlier this week, Robert Baer appeared on the provocative KPFK Los Angeles show Background Briefing, hosted by Ian Masters. It was there that he predicted that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is likely to ignite a war with Iran in the very near future.
Robert Baer has had a storied career, including a stint in Iraq in the 1990s where he organized opposition to Saddam Hussein. (He was recalled after being accused of trying to organize Saddam's assassination.) Upon his retirement, he received a top decoration for meritorious service.
Baer is no ordinary CIA operative. George Clooney won an Oscar for playing a character based on Baer in the film Syriana (Baer also wrote the book).
He obviously won't name many of his sources in Israel, the United States and elsewhere, but the few he has named are all Israeli security figures who have publically warned that Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are hell-bent on war.
Baer was especially impressed by the unprecedented warning about Netanyahu's plans by former Mossad chief Meir Dagan. Dagan left the Israeli intelligence agency in September 2010. Two months ago, he predicted that Israel would attack and said that doing so would be "the stupidest thing" he could imagine. According to Haaretz:
When asked about what would happen in the aftermath of an Israeli attack Dagan said that: "It will be followed by a war with Iran. It is the kind of thing where we know how it starts, but not how it will end."
The Iranians have the capability to fire rockets at Israel for a period of months, and Hizbollah could fire tens of thousands of grad rockets and hundreds of long-range missiles, he said.
According to Ben Caspit of Israeli daily Maariv, Dagan's blasts at Israel's political leadership are significant not only because Mossad chiefs, in office or retired, traditionally have kept their lips sealed but also because Dagan is very conservative on security matters.
Caspit writes that Dagan is "one of the most rightwing militant people ever born here. ... When this man says that the leadership has no vision and is irresponsible, we should stop sleeping soundly at night."
Dagan describes the current Israeli government as "dangerous and irresponsible" and views speaking out against Netanyahu as his patriotic duty.
And his abhorrence of Netanyahu is not uncommon in the Israeli security establishment. Accordingto Think Progress, citing the Forwardnewspaper, 12 of the 18 living ex-chiefs of Israel's two security agencies (Mossad and Shin Bet), are "either actively opposing Netanyahu's stances or have spoken out against them." Of the remaining six, two are current ministers in Netanyahu government, leaving a grand total of four out of 18 who independently support the prime minister.
In short, while Congress dutifully gives Netanyahu 29 standing ovations, the Israelis who know the most about both Netanyahu and Israel's strategic situation think he is a dangerous disaster.
But according to Baer, we ain't seen nothing yet.
There is almost "near certainty" that Netanyahu is "planning an attack [on Iran] ... and it will probably be in September before the vote on a Palestinian state. And he's also hoping to draw the United States into the conflict," Baer explained.
The Israeli air force would attack "Natanz and other nuclear facilities to degrade their capabilities. The Iranians will strike back where they can: Basra, Baghdad," he said, and even Afghanistan. Then the United States would jump into the fight with attacks on Iranian targets. "Our special forces are already looking at Iranian targets in Iraq and across the border [in Iran] which we would strike. What we're facing here is an escalation, rather than a planned out-and-out war. It's a nightmare scenario. We don't have enough troops in the Middle East to fight a war like that." He add, "I think we are looking into the abyss."
Masters asked Baer why the U.S. military is not mobilizing to stop this war from happening. Baer responded that the military is opposed, as is former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who used his influence to thwart an Israeli attack during the Bush and Obama administrations. But he's gone now and "there is a warning order inside the Pentagon" to prepare for war.
It should be noted that the Iranian regime is quite capable of triggering a war with the United States through some combination of colossal stupidity and sheer hatred. In fact, as Baer explained, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard would welcome a war. They are "paranoid." They are "worried about ... what's happening to their country economically, in terms of the oil embargo and other sanctions." And they are worried about a population that increasingly despises the regime.
They need an external enemy. Because we are leaving Iraq, it's Israel. But in order to make this threat believable, they would love an attack on their nuclear facilities, love to go to war in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and Iraq and hit us where they could. Their defense is asymmetrical. We can take out all of their armored units. It's of little difference to them, same with their surface-to-air missile sites. It would make little difference because they would use terrorism. They would do serious damage to our fleet in the Gulf.
Given all that, is it possible that the United States would allow Israel to attack when the president knows we would be forced' to join the war on Israel's side?
"The president is up for re-election next year" Blair pointed out, and Israel is "truly out of control."
What happens when you see 100 F-16's approaching Iraq and there is a call to the White House [from Netanyahu] that says "We're going in, we're at war with Iran"? What does the President of the United States do? He has little influence over Bibi Netanyahu. ... We can't stop him. And he knows it.
It's a pretty frightening scenario, made infinitely more so by the fact that top Israelis (who have heard Netanyahu's thinking from Netanyahu himself) also see the future the same way. Those Israelis deserve a world of credit for sounding the warning bell loudly enough that we would hear it and do something about it — although it's impossible to know if the people who matter are paying attention.
Actually, only one person matters: the president. If Israel bombed Iran tomorrow, Congress would forget all about their partisan differences and run, not walk, to the House and Senate floors to endorse the attack and call for unstinting support for Israel. That is what Congress always does, and will always do so long as the lobby (and the donors it directs) are the key players in making our Middle East policies.
And who knows what Obama would do? So far, he has not exactly distinguished himself when it comes to standing up to Netanyahu.
But an Israeli attack on Iran would be different. It would endanger countless Americans (in the region and here at home, too). It would kill off any economic recovery by causing oil prices to skyrocket. It would engulf us in another Middle East war. And it would threaten the existence of the state of Israel.
This is something the President needs to focus on instead of being forced to nickel and dime with the likes of Reo. Eric Cantor and Sen. Mitch McConnell. How incredible that these two, and their right-wing allies, have our government tied in knots in their incessant effort to elevate themselves by destroying the President of the United States. When did Congressional leaders decide that the only thing that matters is not national security — but their party's fortunes and, mostly, their own? It is sickening
måndag 25 juli 2011
Oslo Eyewitness/Survivor Calls Alex with Exclusive Account of Bombing - Alex Jones
Oslo Eyewitness/Survivor Calls Alex with Exclusive Account of Bombing - Alex Jones
Paul Joseph Watson: Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast
Paul Joseph Watson: Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast
söndag 24 juli 2011
Norway attack false flag??
July 23, 2011: "Breivik is being called a Christian even though he was a Freemason and supporter of such vile Zionist Islamophobes as Pam Geller and Richard Pipes. Pipes and Geller are ciphers for Israeli intelligence and propaganda elements and provide a clear link between Breivik and Mossad which is under orders to stage false flag attacks to garner support for Israel against Palestine." -
Alien Underground Tunnels on Earth - The South Pole Entrance to the Anti-Gravitational Tunnels
Alien Underground Tunnels on Earth - The South Pole Entrance to the Anti-Gravitational Tunnels
Den Norske Frimurerorden uttrykker medfølelse og omsorg
Den Norske Frimurerorden uttrykker medfølelse og omsorg
LIBYA: Rebels execute black immigrants while forces kidnap others
LIBYA: Rebels execute black immigrants while forces kidnap others
ADDIS ABABA — While much of the world’s attention is focusing on crude oil prices and the Libyan pipelines in the east of the country– human right groups say rebels are committing crimes against humanity.
In east Libya, African hunt began as towns and cities began fall under the control of Libyan rebels, mobs and gangs. They started to detain, insult, rape and even executing black immigrants, students and refugees.
In the past two weeks, more than 100 Africans from various Sub-Sahara states are believed to have been killed by Libyan rebels and their supporters.
According to Somali refugees in Libya, at least five Somalis from Somaliland and Somalia were executed in Tripoli and Benghazi by anti-Gaddafi mobs. Dozens of refugees and immigrants workers from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ghana, Nigeria, Chad, Mali and Niger have been killed, some of them were led into the desert and stabbed to death. Black Libyan men receiving medical care in hospitals in Benghazi were reportedly abducted by armed rebels. They are part of more than 200 African immigrants held in secret locations by the rebels.
In many disputes involving Libyan residents and black Africans, the Libyans are turning in the Africans as mercenaries.
Thousands more Africans caught up in this mercenary hysteria are terrified. Some barricaded themselves in their homes, while others hid in the desert. Insulted, threatened, beaten, chased and robbed. Their only crime was being black and therefore treated as “mercenaries” of Gaddafi.
Rebels hold a young man at gunpoint between the towns of Brega and Ras Lanuf (Reuters/Goran Tomasevic)
While the airing of Gaddafi’s so called “black mercenaries” by Western media has ignited the issue, some say an xenophobic attitude towards these refugees and labourers has existed for years. They say the current attacks are racially motivated because the rebels have released many actual Libyan mercenaries and soldiers under a tribal agreement. They believe many Arabs felt their Libyan leader was abandoning them for black Africans ever since he became a “pan-Africanist”. Many immigrants were regularly victims of racism.
In many situations, Gaddafi and his inner circle preferred black Africans and Libyans from the south over Libyans from the east. Now the angry mobs using the revolutionary movement across Arabia and North Africa are hunting down black people.
Mohamed Abdillahi, Somaliland, 25, was sleeping at his home in Zouara, when the mobs arrived. “They knocked on the door around 1 o’clock in the morning. They said get out, we’ll kill you, you are blacks, foreigners, clear.”
The testimonials and are very similar among the thousands of Africans that saw the ugly side of Libya in the past weeks. “They have attacked us, they took everything from us,” said Ali Farah, Somali labourer 29 years.
“They wanted to kill civilians, they beat many of us. To me, they are animals,” says Jamal Hussein, 25 years Sudanese worker.
Many of the fleeing Africans are terrified to tell their stories. At the checkpoint, they do not mingle with others. When asked about their ordeal, they just freeze, “they stopped us many times and said not tell what has happened here, say there are no problems,” Elias Nour from Ethiopia said.
“For the past seven days, my whole family has been holed up at home without any food, running water or electricity, we appeal for urgent intervention,” Mohamed Abdi from Somaliland told local reporters by cellphone.
In the latest reports reaching Somalilandpress from Tripoli, forces loyal to Col. Muammar Gaddafi have reportedly began kidnapping African and Libyan youths from their homes and universities. They are said to be preparing them for a showdown against the rebels. The kidnapped youths include five teenagers from Somaliland.
Many Africans have virtually nothing after years in Libya, many have been looted, robbed, while others saw their living quarters and apartments go in flames. Now they are praying to God to send them home.
While the international leaders are busy drafting resolutions to dismantle Muammar Gaddafi, the African Union has not yet commented on the situation in Libya.
Meanwhile, the International Criminal Court is said to have started a formal inquiry into possible crimes against humanity in Libya that will investigate the Libyan regime.
Somalilandpress | 4 March 2011
Are You in Libya? You can use the form below to share your story with us. Comments are below.
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Libya: Opposition Forces Should Protect Civilians and Hospitals
Looting, Arson, and Some Beatings in Captured Western Towns
July 13, 2011
- A looted store along the main road in al-Awaniya, which rebels captured in mid-June.© 2011 Sidney Kwiram/Human Rights Watch
- More Coverage:
- Opposition leaders should halt and punish all rebel abuses. The rebel authorities have a duty to protect civilians and their property, especially hospitals, and discipline anyone responsible for looting or other abuse.
- Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch
(Zintan, Libya) - Rebel forces in Libya should protect civilians and civilian property in areas they control, Human Rights Watch said today. The rebel forces should hold accountable anyone from their ranks responsible for looting, arson, and abuse of civilians in recently captured towns in western Libya, Human Rights Watch said.
In four towns captured by rebels in the Nafusa Mountains over the past month, rebel fighters and supporters have damaged property, burned some homes, looted from hospitals, homes, and shops, and beaten some individuals alleged to have supported government forces, Human Rights Watch said.
Human Rights Watch witnessed some of these acts, interviewed witnesses to others, and spoke with a rebel commander about the abuses.
"Opposition leaders should halt and punish all rebel abuses" said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "The rebel authorities have a duty to protect civilians and their property, especially hospitals, and discipline anyone responsible for looting or other abuse."
Rebel forces seized control of al-Awaniya, Rayayinah, and Zawiyat al-Bagul in mid-June 2011, ousting government forces that had used the towns as a base for attacks against rebel-held territory - some of them indiscriminate attacks on civilian-inhabited areas. Rebel forces captured al-Qawalish on July 6.
In all four towns, some residents had left when government forces first arrived to fight the rebels in April and May. In all the towns but Rayayinah, most of the remaining residents fled when government forces withdrew, apparently fearing reprisals from rebel forces.
Al-Awaniya and Zawiyat al-Bagul are home to members of the Mesheshiya tribe, known for its loyalty to the Libyan government and Muammar Gaddafi.
The rebel military commander in the Nafusa Mountains, Col. El-Moktar Firnana, admitted that some abuses had taken place after rebels captured the towns, but said such attacks violated orders issued to the rebel forces not to attack civilians or damage civilian property. He claimed that some people had been punished, but did not say how many people or for what offenses.
"If we hadn't issued directives, people would have burned these towns down to the ground," he told Human Rights Watch.
In al-Qawalish on July 7, Human Rights Watch saw people with rebel t-shirts and hats, some of them armed, loading items looted from stores onto trucks with rebel markings. Five houses, which Human Rights Watch had seen intact the day before when government forces withdrew, were on fire. Three more houses and one shop were on fire during visits on July 10 and 11, and at least six other houses appeared to have been newly burned.
Al-Awaniya and Zawiyat al-Bagul appeared empty of residents during several visits by Human Rights Watch between July 2 and 10. Houses on three streets in al-Awaniya and two streets in Zawiyat al-Bagul that Human Rights Watch inspected had been ransacked. The stores along the main streets in both towns had been broken into and looted.
Local residents told Human Rights Watch that the Libyan government had brought members of the Mesheshiya tribe to al-Awaniya from other towns approximately 30 years ago, a resettlement that continues to cause tension with neighboring towns.
In Rayayinah, one resident who stayed said that rebels had looted medical equipment from the polyclinic after taking the town. Human Rights Watch visited the facility on July 2 and saw vandalized rooms, broken windows and doors, and evidence of missing medical equipment, including an x-ray machine and possibly an electrocardiogram machine.
The hospital in al-Awaniya, inspected by Human Rights Watch on July 3, was in a similar condition, with missing equipment, broken windows, and damaged furniture.
A medic sympathetic to the rebels told Human Rights Watch that he had participated in the looting of the al-Awaniya hospital after rebels took the town:
[The al-Awaniya Hospital] was very well-equipped, and we basically took everything. It was well equipped for Gaddafi troops. [Rebels] said that Zintan would be the central hospital for the region.... I heard that the equipment from [the] Rayayinah [polyclinic] went to Zintan too.
Human Rights Watch visited the Zawiyat al-Bagul medical clinic on July 3. It had also been attacked and looted by vandals.
The removal of the medical equipment and damage to the facilities would hinder the return of the civilian population to those towns, Human Rights Watch said.
Residents of Rayayinah told Human Rights Watch that between 300 and 400 people stayed in the town when the rebels arrived, including in the western part, which government forces had used to shell rebel-held Zintan. One of the residents told Human Rights Watch that he saw the injuries of three people from the western part of town who claimed to have been beaten by rebels, and one person who said rebels had shot him in the foot:
Their wrists were tied with dusty wire and they had been beaten. I saw three cases but there are more than that. One lost two toes when a fighter from Zintan shot his foot. I saw a lot of bruises on the face, hands, everywhere. Most of them have left now.
Some of the damage in Rayayinah was also caused by government forces during their presence in the town. Mohamed el-Mizoughi, a local resident, told Human Rights Watch that government soldiers had punished rebel supporters by arresting them, burning down their houses, and looting their stores.
The rebel commander, Colonel Firnana, explained the rebel violations as a consequence of the victims' alleged support for government forces. "People who stayed in the towns were working with the army," he said. "Houses that were robbed and broken into were ones that the army had used, including for ammunition storage." He continued, "Those people who were beaten were working for Gaddafi's brigades."
It was dangerous for residents of the four captured towns to return because of anger in the rebel-held towns that government forces had attacked, Colonel Firnana said.
"Opposition forces have an obligation to protect civilians and their property in the areas they control so people feel they can return home safely and rebuild their lives," Stork said.
Two other towns in rebel-held territory in the Nafusa Mountains, el-Harabah and Tamzin, are known to include Gaddafi supporters, but they have managed to maintain relations with both the Libyan government and the rebels. These towns have not been used by government forces since the February uprising began.
Opposition fighters in the Nafusa Mountains have detained roughly 200 government fighters over the past month. Human Rights Watch had unrestricted access to detention facilities in Zintan, Yafran, and Kikla. Some detainees complained of physical abuse at the time of capture, but said that conditions since then had been adequate.
Human Rights Watch has documented repeated indiscriminate attacks by government forces on civilian areas in the Nafusa Mountains over the past two months, as well as the use of landmines. In the town of Yafran, government forces unlawfully occupied a hospital for six weeks.
"Opposition forces say they are committed to human rights, but the looting, arson, and abuse of civilians in captured towns are worrying," Stork said. "This raises concerns about how civilians will be treated if rebels capture other towns where the government has support."
lynching a man in Benghazi by rebels Libya
Lynching a man in Benghazi by rebels Libya
NATO rebels lynch a man in Libya (only one of several), the video is very brutal, so the "viewer discretion is adviced".
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