onsdag 29 februari 2012


 Shari Lou:
I believe Whitney's death WAS a ritual blood sacrifice It DEFINITELY follows the number pattern...

She died at age 48, 4+8 =12, at 3:55 PM, 3+5+5=13 ADD 12+13=25 also she died on 2-11-12 add 2+11+12=25 ALSO here are other stars that died with the number 25 associated with them...

Michael Jackson died on June 25th,2009.
Farrah Fawcett died on June 25th, 2009.
Sky Saxon died on June 25th, 2009.
James Brown died on December 25th, 2006.
Dean Martin died on December 25th, 1995.
Eartha Mae Kitt died on December 25th, 2008.
Tupac Shakur died at 25 years old.
Lisa (Left Eye) Lopes died on April 25th, 2002.
Roger Troutman died on April 25th, 1999.
Aaliyah Haughton died on August 25th, 2001.
Static Major died on February 25th, 2008.

A coincidence? I think not : / She sold her soul for Rock'n Roll

READ THIS: http://worldtruth.tv/sacrifice-of-whitney-houston-2/

Litel facts around what islam sayes about "Ailiens"

Det finns tre typer av Jinn.

One of them are "flying", so it could be UFO. En av dem är "flygande", så det kan vara UFO.

Allah know best. Allah vet bäst

I Koranen säger Allah Subhana Wa'Tala oss ...

"And (He has created) horses, mules, and donkeys, for you to ride and use for show; and He has created (other) things of which ye have no knowledge ." "Och (Han har skapat) hästar, mulor och åsnor, för dig att rida och använda för show,. Och han har skapat (andra) saker som ni inte har någon kunskap"

(16:8) (16:8)

So "Aliens" could very well exist... Så "Aliens" kan mycket väl finnas ...
the Quran does allude to life in outer space, thus: "And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the living creatures He has scattered through them." Koranen gör hänvisar till liv i yttre rymden, så här: "Och bland Hans tecken är skapelsen av himlarna och de levande varelserna Han har utspridda genom dem." (42.29) And: "The seven heavens and the earth, and beings therein, declare his glory." (42,29) Och: "De sju himlarna och jorden, och varelser där, förklarar hans härlighet." (17:44) (17:44)

Alien Life According to the Quran

Fatwa - Do aliens exist

140 meters asteroid på kurs mot jorden

140 meters asteroid på kurs mot jorden

FN vill krossa det nya hotet med Hollywood-metoder

Nedräkningen har börjat - asteroiden 2011 AG5 är på kollisionskurs med jorden.
Miljoner människor riskerar att dö om den slår ner.
Nu tar FN efter Hollywood och diskuterar att krossa den med kärnvapen.

Skriv ner datumet femte februari 2040 i kalendern - då räknar Nasa med att 2011 AG5 kan drabba mänskligheten.
Den 140 meter breda asteroiden riskerar att kräva miljontals dödsoffer när den slår ner, skriver Daily Mail.
Var det kan ske är för tidigt att säga men redan nu har FN:s krisgrupp mot föremål nära jorden börjat planera metoderna för att avleda katastrofen.


En av möjligheterna som diskuteras kommer direkt från Hollywood. Precis som i filmen Armageddon med Bruce Willis vill man slå ut 2011 AG5 med kärnvapen, men den kommer med en ny risk. I stället för att träffas av en jätteasteroid riskerar kärnvapenexplosionen att sprida ett regn av sten mot jorden.
En lösning NASA diskuterar med FN är att placera en sond på asteroiden som ska förändra dragningskraften så att jätten styrs bort från jorden, skriver Daily Mail.

Observeras från jorden

Hittills har forskarna mycket lite information om 2011 AG5 eftersom de bara har kunnat observera halva av dess omloppsbana. Mellan 2013 och 2016 räknar NASA med att ha mer information då 2011 AG5 är möjlig att observera från jorden.
Chansen att den träffar jorden är en på 625. Men oddsen kan förändras med tiden, skriver Daily Mail.
Det finns cirka 19 000 asteroider mellan 100 och 1 000 meter stora inom 193 miljoner kilometer från jorden, enligt NASA:s senaste mätningar.

tisdag 28 februari 2012

Formaldehyd och aluminium i vaccin – vad åstadkommer gifterna i vår kropp?

Formaldehyd och aluminium i vaccin – vad åstadkommer gifterna i vår kropp?

Formaldehyd används i vaccin för att döda oönskade bakterier och virus. Det är en färglös gas med stickande lukt. Formaldehyd löst i vatten kallas formalin. Formaldehyd används industriellt bland annat vid framställning av flera olika typer av plaster. Formaldehyd används också inom färg-, medicin-, foto-, lim-, garveri- och textilindustrin. Det används som bekämpningsmedel, desinficerings- och konserveringsmedel.

måndag 27 februari 2012

She saw demons everywhere!

This movie is real!

This movie is real! Sts-75 is filmed by nasa and Martyn stub made ​​a documentary-like movie where this clip was included. Martyn Stubbs went through approximately 8000 hours of movies through the years. He analyzed many of NASA's film footage. What I think so they are here UFOs manned by them called. Greys also have a base on the moon. In the documentary: Moon Rising will see these UFOs as well. Martyn Stubbs died later of cancer.

Wicked music industry!

Wicked music industry!

"Våra flickor blir försöks kaniner"

Lena känner själv ett stort obehag inför att behöva arbeta med den här typen av vaccinering.
–Jag vill inte göra det här, det känns inte etiskt rätt.
Hon invänder särskilt mot att hon inte får informera om dödsfall och sjukdomar med misstänkt koppling till vaccinet.
–Den enda information vi får ge är den som kommer från tillverkaren. Jag tänker uppmana föräldrarna att själva söka information på internet, säger hon.

Innocent Sweden!

Innocent Sweden!

"t’s like a force
Pullin’ me in
it’s getting stronger from within
Taking me higher
We’re comin’ alive
Tonight we’ll be lighting up the sky

I’m feelin’ great
I’m feeling awesome
let me explain
You are the reason I breathe
Check out Dannys hand at the beginning of the film that clearly makes 666 .. and late check out at 1:13:

tisdag 21 februari 2012


Mycket intressant föreläsning, särskilt för alla föräldrar som antingen inte har en aning om vad vaccin är, vad vaccinering innebär eller de som är tveksamma men inte vet vilken väg de ska gå - de utsättsför en massiv förnekelsevägg från "vårdens" sida och attacker från andra föräldrar som svalt den ensidiga glorifierande vaccinationspropagandan.

Vaccinera INTE!!

Vaccinera INTE!!

Mikrochip kan ersätta sprutor!

Dont take it!

torsdag 16 februari 2012

Now to Whiteny..

Now to Whiteny..
We believe she was drowned and TO BE BORN AGAIN as an icon for the elite who can now have their Satanic worship in her shows and memories .. it has come up to me that they have found CIRCLES OF HER HAIR in her bathtub where ...she was found and she died in a hotel room .. in her videos, there are lots of circles that it has added to her .. and also the hotel .. see this video first to see the microphone and light


The show must go on, mustn't t?!?

The show must go on, mustn't t?!? Larry King: "I've never been at a party like this. Her remains are still in this hotel. They haven't removed them yet....There are no words!!!"

"You wake up every day with a magnifying glass over you. Som...eone always is looking for something - somebody, somewhere is speaking your name every five seconds of the day, whether it's positive or negative. Like my friend Michael says: YOU WANT OUR BLOOD, BUT YOU DON'T WANT OUR PAIN" Whitney Houston, Ebony, May 1991

onsdag 15 februari 2012

Dr John Rengen Virapen - Mutor - Regeringen - Läkemedelsbolagen - Korruption

Dr John Rengen Virapen
Mutor - Regeringen - Läkemedelsbolagen - Korruption
En väldigt intressant film från Dr John Rengen Virapen som hoppade av sin höga chefspost inom ett läkemedelsbolag för att berätta för världen om hur det går till med, fusk, mutor, mm och även hur svenska regeringen och höga representanter "köptes" (mutades) av läkemedelsbolagen.

Följ länken: Dr. John Rengen Virapen, “I bribed the Swedish Gove...

Se även dom svensktextade filmerna (1 till 4) där han berättar sanningen, följ nedan länk:


Dr John Rengen Virapen talar ut Swesub del 1av 4 (resterande delar finns på Youtube)

Michael Jackson said Sony kills the music and Sony to set plans for Whitney Houston catalog


Michael Jackson said Sony kills the music


Sony to set plans for Whitney Houston catalog

AEG's role in Michael Jackson's death

AEG's role in Michael Jackson's death

Important to read.

Important to read.

Randy Phillips Re-Ups As President/CEO of AEG Live

Under Randy Phillips and his entire management team, the last three years at AEG Live have been the best three years in our history; including 2011 -- our best year ever," says Leiweke. // "Bajo el control de Randy Phillips y su equipo, estos 3 últimos años en AEG Live han sido los mejores de nuestra historia, incluyendo 2011 - nuestro mejor año" explicó Leiweke.




Whitney and Michael

I think that Whitney and Michael get murderd only to be icons for the elit.. so thay can make money on their death .. like all great artists in Hollywood dies in drugs for the most part .. This is not true in most cases ..

"Okay I find it amazing that Michael Jackson dies before an awards show, Amy Winehouse before an awards show and now Whitney Houston before the Grammy's. Yes, this is very suspicious and three people who took over the airwaves because of their fame all died fairly young."

Got right on vaccination

content in english: In autumn 2009 ended Bjorn Olsson and his colleague meta Wiborgh, both active in Lulea, under fire. The reason was an opinion piece that the two wrote in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, together with a freelance journalist and a psychiatrist.

The article questioned the decision to implement mass vaccination in Sweden. They referred to several facts that they meant sp...
eaking against universal vaccination. They said that several indications showed that swine flu was milder than normal flu and that it also caused fewer deaths.

When accused senior officials of the county council in Norrbotten Olsson and Wiborgh for being disloyal.

Now showing Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet that the decision to mass vaccinate the Swedish population were made by political and economic reasons. The newspaper found evidence for it when you went through a series of correspondence between a senior official at the National Board and SMI-General.

"The Ministry of Health is quite clear that politically there is here no turning back."

It was about a secret agreement that Sweden has signed with pharmaceutical company Glaxo and you could not get away.

Had to use
The agreement forced Sweden to purchase drugs for about 1.3 billion when the WHO declared that swine flu was a pandemic of class 6, the most severe form of the worldwide epidemic. According to the newspaper's investigation could be for political reasons not to let the expensive medicine lie unused. Hence came the decision on mass vaccination, which only three other countries carried out.

Bjorn Olsson says he feels happy about the revelation that Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet brought.

- I thought it was odd that we would carry out mass vaccination when all the facts spoke about the flu was milder than other flus. But did they not responsible for. You should have studied the effects of influenza in New Zealand and Australia more closely because these countries were hit first.

In this context, he talks about that a normal flu usually cause about 2,000 Swedes died. This compares favorably with the 70 Swedes who died from complications of swine flu.

Test of 300 children
Bjorn Olsson is also critical to the Glaxo only tested the drug on 300 children. According to him it was too few for it to get a picture of the possible side effects.

- Now, many children suffered from narcolepsy, as I see it, this is more serious than the thalidomide scandal since the mass vaccination could have been avoided if the responsible officials have been more accurate. Ultimately falls a heavy responsibility on the minister, Maria Larsson, says Björn Olsson.

He calls for an independent inquiry to examine what happened when the decision on mass vaccination was taken. All in order to avoid similar mistakes in future.


Massvaccineringen mot svininfluensa gjordes av politiska och ekonomiska skäl - inte medicinska.

Massvaccineringen mot svininfluensa gjordes av politiska och ekonomiska skäl - inte medicinska.

Det handlade om ett hemligt avtal som Sverige skrivit med läkemedelsbolaget Glaxo och som man inte kunde komma ifrån.

Avtalet tvingade Sverige att köpa läkemedel för cirka 1,3 miljarder kronor när WHO förklarade att svininfluensan var en pandemi av klass 6, den allvarligaste formen av världsomfattande epidemi.

tisdag 14 februari 2012

Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson deaths forget whole legacy

Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson deaths forget whole legacy

If I ever somehow become a celebrity, and if I ever manage to do something just flat-out stupid, I really hope that I die young. At least that way, I can be assured that t-shirts with my face on them will be able to support my family for generations, and all of my sins will be forgiven.
Take, for instance, fallen King of Pop Michael Jackson.

In the Jan. 31 Michael Jackson tribute episode of “Glee,” (yes… I’m 21 and I still watch “Glee.” Deal with it.) to motivate fellow glee club members to take a stand against injustice, protagonist Finn poses the question: “What would Michael Jackson do?”

“Be brave! Be strong! Not take ‘no’ for an answer!” The glee club members exclaim, without a hint of irony, as they use Jackson’s timeless music to give a moral conscience to a rival glee club.
Now a few years ago, if you had asked me, “What would Michael Jackson do?” in any situation, “Be brave!” and “Be strong!” probably would not have been the first responses to come to mind.
Instead, my response — and I wager a lot of other people’s responses too — would have been something inappropriate: probably something lewd involving touching children, transforming from black to white or dangling a blanket-clad baby off of a balcony.

It wasn’t until after he died that Michael Jackson transformed from “Wacko Jacko” back to the King of Pop. While he was alive, they didn’t sell posters with his head on it at the Renaissance Festival. It wasn’t socially acceptable to publicly admit that you listen to his music.
Now, he is a deity worthy of a “Glee” tribute episode. Just prior to his death, he was basically a human Saturday Night Live skit.

It’s not like his years spent dangling kids off of balconies, getting enough plastic surgery to look like Lord Voldemort or extensive legal issues didn’t exist.

But by the way society has started to lionize Jackson after his death, you would almost think the last 20 or so years of Jackson’s life never happened, and he died tragically in his sleep in the midst of his “Thriller” heyday.

It’s not like every celebrity gets this treatment. Take Amy Winehouse, who passed away this summer.

Articles about her still speculate on her drug and drinking habits, months after her death. Granted, she wasn’t the icon that Jackson is, but her death has hardly received the amount of respect that it deserved, and it doesn’t at all fit the precedent left by memories of Jackson.
And this brings me to Whitney Houston, who, for those of you who live under a rock, passed away this weekend.

While literally a week ago, if you would have told me that Houston was going to hijack the Grammys and that my friends would think losing Whitney is the most tragic thing that has ever happened to them, I would have asked if the two of you had been smoking crack together.
That’s definitely not remotely acceptable for me to say now.

Even normally fearless comedienne Kathy Griffin, whose cracked-out Whitney Houston impression used to be one of the best parts of her act, issued an apology on her Facebook profile, saying that she would stop making fun of Houston in light of her passing.

I’m all about respecting the dead, and I think that both Jackson and Houston left incredible legacies worthy of celebrating.

But the way things are going and the way Houston and Jackson are being portrayed, it kind of concerns me that future generations might look back at their legacies and not see the whole picture.
Yes, they both left us with incredible music, but they also left us with some pretty important lessons about how not to act.

And future generations should probably be allowed to learn these lessons instead of simply being taught that Houston and Jackson were divine inspirations just because they were lucky enough to die young.

Maybe when they do a “Glee” tribute episode for Whitney Houston, her legacy, unlike Jackson’s, will at least try to acknowledge a little bit of the truth.

Lady Gaga in Satanic blood bath claim

LADY Gaga has been accused of taking part in a Satanic ritual after she left a tub in her hotel suite filled with a red blood-like liquid.

NME.com and The Sun report the star was staying at London's posh Intercontinental Hotel.

Hotel staff said
Lady Gaga left a tub in her suite filled with claret liquid.

One housekeeper claimed the singer was "bathing in blood as part of a
Satanic ritual".

She told website Truthquake: "Lady Gaga left large amounts of blood in the suite during a stay this summer. The incident was reported to the concierge, who was told to put it out of her mind."

An insider added: "All of the hotel's staff are convinced she was bathing in it or, at the very least, using it as part of one of her new costumes or weird stage routines." 

Read more here:

My love is your love- Whitney Houston

"If tomorrow is a judgement day
And I'm standin' on the front line
And the Lord ask me what I did with my life
I will say I spent it with you

If I wake up in World War 3
I see destruction and poverty
And I feel like I want to go home
It's okay if you comin' with me"

- Whitney Houston

One More Girl – en avslöjande dokumentärfilm om HPV-vaccin snart klar för lansering

One More Girl – en avslöjande dokumentärfilm om HPV-vaccin snart klar för lansering

Mycket vaccin nu men det är ett mycket viktigt område att sprida information om - i synnerhet nu när man vill bespruta varje barn med Gardasil. Ska det behövas en till Pandemrix-skandal för att stoppa eländet?

"Dokumentärfilmen One More Girl görs för att avslöja sanningen för världen: att de två HPV-vaccinerna som för närvarande finns på marknaden – Mercks Gardasil och GlaxoSmithKlines Cervarix – allvarligt och permanent kan skada unga flickor och till och med döda dem."

National Vaccine Information Center

National Vaccine Information Center

  An Exercise in Critical Thinking - Check out this chart comparing the 1980's vaccine schedule to our current schedule and then ask yourself a ...
few questions.
1) How many kids were dying due to outbreaks of infectious disease in the 1980's?
2) How can we assume this dramatic jump in the number of vaccines is safe when there are no studies on giving multiple vaccines in one day?

  3) How can we assume this dramatic jump in the number of vaccines is safe when there are no studies on the health outcomes of the current vaccine schedule in total?
4) How can we assume this dramatic jump in the number of vaccines is safe when there are no studies evaluating the safety of injected aluminum in children when the amount of aluminum exposure in one pediatric visit could be as much as 5 times the allowable amount given to an adult in a single day intravenously in the hospital setting?

  5) How can we assume this vaccine schedule is safe when there are still trace amounts of thimerosal (mercury) in many pediatric vaccines and there are ZERO studies that compare populations of children who received vaccines with thimerosal compared to vaccines with NO thimerosal? (all current studies compare vaccines with a high amt of thimerosal to vaccines with LESS)

  6) How can we assume the current vaccine schedule is safe when there are ZERO studies comparing the overall health of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people?
NOTE how many times I used the word "assume" because that's what the CDC and AAP do. In the absence of scientifically answering these questions that's they are...."assuming" vaccines are "safe". And we know what "assuming" makes of us all. I don't know about you but I think, given vaccines are mandated, my child deserves better than that. ~ Pamela Byers Felice
Igår kl. 17:10 ·

Chemtrails Sweden - Chemtrails besprutas även över svenskt luftrum

Chemtrails Sweden - Chemtrails besprutas även över svenskt luftrum

För er som har gjort misstaget att tro att de vita slingorna i skyn som vi ser dag efter dag, skulle vara kondens "contrails", eller ett annars roligt inslag på den blå himlen, kommer detta säkert som en chock.

Detta är "chemtrails", en avsiktlig sprayning av vår planet, som på olika sätt påverkar oss invånare.

Många regeringar har medgett att man vet om detta.
Planen som gör dessa operationer, är utan beteckningar vilket stider mot gängse Internationella lagar. (What else is new)

Chemtrails innehåller: Barium, Titanium, Aluminium, polymerer och mycoplasma (frysta blodkroppar av tvivelaktikt ursprung) b.l.a. och fina trådar av polymerer som vi andas in.

Vi frågar? När gavs det tillstånd att sprida gift över Svenskt luftrum, varför och av vem?


Chemtrails - utsläpp av aerosoler från jetflygplan - är ett faktum, har fastställts av Lunds Universitet och Clifford Carnicom samt ett antal andra oberoende forskare, och undersökningar visar att dessa "chemtrails" innehåller en stor mängd av giftiga ämnen, såsom barium, titan, aluminium, bly, arsenik, kadium, mycoplasma.

Epidemiolog bekräftar att Chemtrails handlar om biologisk och kemisk krigföring mot mänskligheten:

Within 30 Minutes Of Whitney Houston's Death Sony Increased The Price Of Her Music By Over 60%!

Within 30 Minutes Of Whitney Houston's Death Sony Increased The Price Of Her Music By Over 60%!

Whitney Houston's Death: Alex Jones Explains the Mystery

Whitney Houston's Death: Alex Jones Explains the Mystery

Whitney Houston’s Death and The Secret-Society, Called The Music Industry

Whitney Houston’s Death and The Secret-Society, Called The Music Industry

I was asked by a family member, who knows I’m an occult researcher, to look into Whitney Houston’s death, as being a sacrifice. Now, I don’t usually do too many articles on the illuminati and their connections with the music industry, because there are thousands of researchers that investigate this sort of thing, but when I looked into this one I figured it was worth sharing my opinions with the world.