I have been thinking a lot about the circumstances surrounding Michael Jackson’s passing and I can’t keep myself from wondering who is behind his death. I know that AEG pushed him too hard and going by the testaments from the This-Is-Not-It website Michael was really not feeling well about the shows. Especially, since they were extended to 50 shows without Michael’s concern.
I have been thinking a lot about the possibility of Michael faking his own death, but the more the law is involved and thinking about the conspiracy against Michael throughout the years I can’t imagine the police and the state being on Michael’s side. They have tried to destroy him for the longest time and it wouldn’t be logical to think they would help him hoax his own death.
Everyone keeps saying different things about Michael’s death. One of the musicians from This Is It had said that he called Kenny Ortega after hearing about Michael’s death and that Kenny had told him that the reports stating thet Michael was dead were untrue and that he knew this because he had spoken to Michael’s personal physician Dr. Murray.
This got me thinking about the contract that the This Is It dancers had signed, the contract was under 2 years and they could not speak openly of what really went behind the scenes of This Is It. My thought on this : Why 2 years?
My conclusion is that AEG had a plan B for Michael and knew that there was a great possibility that he was going to die. I have previously stated that I believe in 2 theories. Either Michael is alive and hoaxed his death, which seems unlikely but could be possible, and the other being that he was murdered.
I have read that Michael regularly updated his Will, the Will that is supposedly Michael’s has John Branca and John McClain as executives and as far as I know, Michael fired John Branca a long time ago, I read this from a letter written by Michael stating that he no longer wanted Brance involved with him and his business.
My point is that if Michael is 100% dead he was indeed murdered and the people behind his death go beyond AEG and John Branca. I also believe that Dr. Tohme Tohme are involved. Tohme had fired all Michael’s staff days before Michael’s death and had taken over his business. One of Michael’s advisors has also stated that Michael was afraid of Tohme.
I have purchased the This Is It DVD and the special features showed more Kenny and the dancers and less Michael. I wholeheartedly believe that Michael didn’t want to do the concerts in the first place and was pushed to do them. After signing the contract they lurked Michael into doing 50 shows.
The recent hearing of Dr. Murray was ridiculous. This man will face if guilty a maximum of 4 years in prison. This is beyond ridiculous. None from the AEG except from Michael’s fans and family were there to show their support for Michael. I guess there are a lot of things that we are yet to know about. The truth is ugly and always prevails.
Let’s just hope that justice prevails no matter how , when or in what way it does.
Wroten by Iffy: