Salaam aleikum my dear readers.
Yesterday I saw a movie that has sat in my heart. I still cry over this woman's fate. The movie is a reality-based movie from Iran about a woman named Soraya M.
Her husband running around with a 14 year old girl who he wants to marry. He has with his wife, four children two boys and two girls. He tries to get the divorce that his wife does not agree.
Eventually her husband accuses her of infidelity. She is falsely accused and he may be in the crowd of false witnesses who testify in against her. She will be sentenced to stoning.
The movie is very grotesque and I found it hard to see it.
Cried and was forced to close my eyes in between for a part in the movie. But I recommend you all to see it.
Posting it on my blog.
I myself who is a Muslim is both frustrated and shocked that this kind of fine hypocrites of Islam as only destroy and demean our faith.
This movie always will remain in my heart and this woman's fate.