Source: 48 Su'ālāni 'anise-Siyāmi, Ibn Uthaymîn. And Fatawa Ramadan vol. 1, pp. 32-34. Adwa `al-salaf. With reference to "al-Irshad ila m` arifatil ahkâm "of Imam al-S'adî with some rewriting.
Ibn Uthaymîn and Imam As S'adî on what to do in Ramadan and the wisdom behind fasting. Month of Ramadan is a blessed month. During that Allah sent down the Qur'an. During Lent, he was one of the pillars of Islam and the night prayer at a voluntary act that increases the person who makes it into the good and becomes a contributing factor to the refuge from hellfire.
In the two Sahih recounted that the Prophet (salallahu aleyhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever fasts in Ramadan, with the unshakable belief (imaan) and with the hope of reward from Allah (ihtisāb) receive their previous sins forgiven. And one who stands in prayer during Laylatul-Qadr, with unwavering faith and hope of reward, will have his previous sins forgiven. "
This means: He who fasts and pray because of their belief in Allah (Ta'al) and that he believes in and accept His Law, in submission and in the hope of reward by Allah for fasting and prayer night. Thus, it is the fast and pray night prayer during Ramadan and Laylatul-Qadr because of those two - Iman and ihtisāb - which will be forgiven his previous sins.
If we look back in time, we find that many major events have taken place during this blessed month - events whose recollection brings joy to the faithful. First and foremost to Allah (Ta'al) sent down the Quran during this month. He started the revelation this month and made the blessed.
With this Quran managed to liberate the Muslims (Islam spread perhaps a better word) large parts of the earth, east and west. By holding fast to the Qur'an found Muslims found fame and raised the banner of Islam everywhere. We are also confident and secure that the Muslim nation will return to the Quran and that they will return to judge by the - and then the nation to regain its former glory in sha 'Allah.
However, the harvesting honey taste BEE STING and picking roses may feel its thorns. The same need for victory is preceded by a test of maintaining Islam and called for it. This is where Allah says in His Book: "Surely we will put you on the test so that those among you who strive and struggle [for Allah's cause] and the patience and endurance may make themselves known."
"[Muhammad 47:31]
"Do you think you should get step into paradise without first having gone through the same as those who lived before you? Calamity hit them and shook them in the ground, so that the envoy, and those who followed him in faith exclaimed: 'Where is the help [come] from Allah? "But Allah's help is always close."
[Al-Baqarah 2:214]
Another major event that occurred during Ramadan was the liberation of Makkah. Mecca was ruled by the idol worshipers and the polytheists who had ruined it with kufr, shirk and sin. On Friday the 20th of Ramadan, 8 after Hijrah the Prophet marched victoriously into Mecca, until he (salallahu aleyhi wa sallam) came to the Ka'bah. Quraysh, who was now completely defeated and the Prophet's mercy, waiting anxiously to see what the Prophet would do with them. He (salallahu aleyhi wa sallam) said to them: " 'On the Quraysh! What do you expect me to do with you? "
They said: 'We expect good, because you're a good brother and nephew.' Then said the Prophet (salallahu aleyhi wa sallam) said to them: 'Go away, for you are liberated. " He forgave them and let them go even though he had the ability to do whatever he wanted with them, and this is an out of the many examples of the Prophet (salallahu aleyhi wa sallam) unbelievably good faith and forbearance.
After mentioning some of the most significant events that took place during Ramadan, we say: What should we do during Ramadan? What we should do during this blessed month, either things that are mandatory or recommended. Fasting is compulsory and night prayer, it is recommended. As for fasting as the means to refrain from things that break from the dawn to dusk - in the worship of Allah.
Its proof is Allah's opinion:
"Now it is permissible for you are with them and seek what Allah has written for you, and you may eat and drink until it becomes possible for you to clearly discern the dawn of the white wire to the black wire. Resume when fasting and hold it until the night comes. "
[Al-Baqarah 2:187]
The purpose of fasting is not to train the body to endure thirst, hunger and hardship. Rather, the purpose of Lent to train the mind to let it be the love in favor of Allah, the Beloved satisfaction. The self love and submission is food, drink and sex. Such is the ego desires. Allah is the Beloved whose satisfaction is sought. Therefore, we must have this as our intent when we fast, we let these things be to seek Allah's pleasure.
The wisdom behind fasting obligation of this nation have been clarified by Allah (Ta'al) in the Qur'an:
"Believers! It is a duty for you to fast, like it was the duty of those who were before you - perhaps you should fear Allah. "
[Al-Baqarah 2:183]
Maybe you should fear Allah (la'allakum tat-taquun) means: that ye may fear Allah, let it be that he banned and do what He commanded. This sums up everything that has been said about the wisdom of fasting.
Because the fear of God (at Taqwa) is a universal word for everything that Allah loves and is pleased with, in terms of making it amiable and to leave the forbidden. How fast is the most powerful way to achieve this objective, which is the servant's happiness and success in his religion, worldly life and his next life.
The fasting approaching Allah by leaving the things he aspires, and he puts his love of Allah before the love of his own nafs, the ego. Because of this peculiar Allah fasting from other documents when he wrote it to himself as the authentic reports from the Prophet (salallahu aleyhi wa sallam): "All documents which a man does is for him, the reward for good deeds tenfold. In addition to fasting. It is for Me and I reward for it [how much I want]. "
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
And Lent is one of piety grounds because Islam is not accomplished except through Lent as it is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Fasting means that Iman rise, patience is reached and that you become familiar with the difficulties which for a closer Lord of the heavens. Fasting is one of the reasons that good deeds as prayer, Koran reading, remembrance (dhikr) and alms out more, which puts the fear of God.
The Prophet (salallahu aleyhi wa sallam) said:
"If the fasting person can not fail to say and do evil and false Allah has no need to let him be food and drink." Allah does not want us to refrain from food and drink as much as He wants us to fail to say and do evil and forbidden. So the servant approaching Allah by leaving it completely banned and there is; - False speech: Ie. everything forbidden speech.
- To act in accordance with it: And this is all forbidden acts. - And by giving the forbidden things as opposed to fasting, and there are things that break it. It is therefore recommended that the fasting will say 'I am fasting' for those looking mess with him or swear at him. For if he responds to him the other will answer back, and then he will meet him again and so on.
Then even the solid consist of cursing and arguing. But if he says 'I am fasting' let he who conspired against him, or tried to find trouble with him know that he is able to answer him, but it makes him fail is that he is fasting - and then stop the other, therefore that he feels ashamed and allow then to become his swearing and arguing.
Thus is the wisdom behind fasting obligation to promote godliness. If we know that we should be expedited to do good while we are fasting, which make dhikr, read Quran, pray, give charity, be kind to all creation, have good character, be merry. In short, we do everything we can do to improve ourselves. Muslim would be in such an authorization months out, they will undoubtedly be affected, and his condition will change for the better.
Therefore, it has also lagstiftats that Muslims should pay alms at the end of Ramadan in order to supplement the soul cleansing. The soul is purified to make it good and keep away from evil, and treated well by giving alms. Therefore, the charity called for Zakāh, which means purification.
That, and may Allah's blessing and the price of the rest of our Prophet Muhammad (salallahu aleyhi wa sallam), and his family and his companions, and those who follow them with the good until the Day of Resurrection.
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