Al Masih and Al Masif. The name Masih from the name the Messiah has different meanings. One of the meanings are mamsoha, then dried off, because masih means wiping. Isa (AS) is called for Masih because his eyes are dried out (erased).
Masih may also mean the ability to travel around the world, bjimsah el ard. So the Prophet (SAW) says he will travel around the world. El Masih will travel around the world with the EXCEPTION of Mecca and Madina.
Prophet Isa (AS) is mentioned in the Koran that says that he will come back to earth, where time is near because he is a sign of the prescribed period. In Aya Al-Imran; Isa (AS) will return to earth and judge between the Jews and the Christians in their disputes.
The Jews claim that Isa (AS) is not God's prophet and the Christians say he is the son of God. So Isa ibn Mariam (AS) will come down and make an assessment of all the statements they make.
After the death of Dajjal, then another sign of doom approaching and it is Yajooj and Majooj.
More about Isa (AS) arising in the other posts on Doomsday great characters, this was just the beginning.
From: http://ahlamhammoud.blogg.se/index.html
Barak Allah Feike my wonderful sister. May Allah (swa) reward you for your wonderful work. Ameen. Love Meddie.
1 kommentar:
Salaam Aleikum
happy Eid to you Meddie and all muslims Inchallah
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