Bush’s Tiddlywinks By Fritz Springmeier June 9, 2001
Some people may disagree with my information. That is their choice, but I hope that even if they disagree with me, that my words will encourage readers to become better critical thinkers toward the establishment media's pure propaganda. From insiders, I am aware that George Bush senior has a look alike, which they used during his presidency to allow him to escape off the record from his appointments.
This look-alike liked sex, but was not a pedophile, so this double of Bush was rather uneasy when he heard reports that the real President, who he pretended on occasions to be, was a pedophile. By the way, George Bush, Sr. likes to get his picture taken with kids on his lap, as if he is almost a Christ figure that kids love. An example of this was in the Scottish Rite's Journal. It's enough to make me want to puke knowing he is addicted to pedophilia
The first night that George Bush, Sr. was in the White House (1/20/89) as President, he was reported "lost…trying to find a couple of kid's rooms." (Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, 1/24/89) George Bush, Sr. as President had a routine of going to Camp David for his weekends. The Christian Science Monitor reported early in his presidency that he played tiddlywinks at Camp David to relax.
My reaction to the tiddlywinks' reports by the establishment media is this: "Do they think we are that gullible? These elitists must get a big laugh at the common person's gullibility."
The President went to the seclusion of Camp David almost every weekend so he could play tiddlywinks, yeah right! On day 16 of his Presidency, Bush went to Camp David. When the next weekend came around, many of Bush's appointments were still unfilled and Bush was quoted in the NYT as saying "I'd like to see if we can't speed the system [of appointments] up."
Two weeks later at Camp David, the President tells a NY Times reporter, "I'm an Oyster Bay kind of guy. Maybe I'll turn out to be Teddy Roosevelt." Easter weekend, Saturday, 3/25/99, finds Bush at Camp David with Country singer Lee Greenwood.
Lee Greenwood is part of the normal Nashville Country music crowd, which I have exposed repeatedly, even if he does sing "God Bless America" to George Bush. On May 26, 89, George Bush, Sr. went to Europe, where he stops at Italy and spends time with the Pope, and then heads for Brussels. On June 2, '89, he leaves Europe and heads for Kennebunkport, ME to vacation.
Why does Bush spend a day visiting the Pope and two days in Brussels? Of all the major European cities, why so much emphasis on Brussels?
If one believes in a globalist agenda for a New World Order, the Pope and Brussels are very important. Otherwise one has to wonder of all the real statesmen and real capitals Bush could visit, why the Pope and Brussels?
As Bush's presidency passed the 200-day mark, his weekend visits to Camp David continued on their established routine. He also continued as well the occasional vacations to Maine. He established this routine from the start of his presidency. His vacation on Thurs.
August 17, 1989, merits a look. On Friday he was reported playing horseshoes, Saturday he was boating, Sunday (8/20/89) it was golf, the next day cribbage, the next day was softball, the next day (Weds. 8/23) was tennis, the next day was jogging, and on Friday we are told he was running, golfing, playing softball, tennis, and boating.
(If he actually did this Friday, he had an active day for a 65 year old man.) The next day Sat. 8/26/89 was reportedly spent fishing, and then on Sunday he reportedly cancelled his golf to fish again. On Monday (8/28), he was reported fishing again.
My question is, what really happened on these days? For those who want to track the Illuminati, they have a great Fire Festival Sabbat on August 24. Isis, Hecate and Diana are also worshipped in August, as well as the Assumption of the Mary Goddess on August 15.
I don't know if Bush was participating in the Illuminati's great August 24th ritual. However, I do have a real hard time believing the establishment media's stories of two weeks of horse shoes, jogging, softball, tennis, etc. My question is what really went on during this vacation time?
For all of our illusions about close scrutiny, our Presidents pretty much do what they want, and we the people really don't have a good or accurate idea of what they do.
Like our government in general, accountability is being lost. Insiders talk about how government leaders can slip nefarious activities into their schedules, so that (seemingly) even above board accounts of their daily activities can hide a great deal. While Clinton was on the phone to a Senator, his pants were down and Monica Lewinsky was on her knees.
Personally my conscience would bother me taking off for long holidays if the fate of millions of Americans were controlled by my leadership. I know that the companies I have worked for, and the military did not permit me to goof off like this. In 1991, how inspiring was it for American soldiers, who were sent to bake and possibly die in 115 degree plus desert conditions, when they saw their Commander-in-chief Bush making decisions from the golf course on the course of the Gulf War?
Still, I'm not convinced Bush was playing tiddlywinks all the times the press tells us he was. Either way, over the many decades, rear echelon leaders have earned the acronym used by American grunts during several wars "REMFs". Was George Bush, Sr. really playing tiddlywinks like the establishment media kept reporting, (telling us such news scoops as his mother was a great tiddlywinks player that really challenged him), or was something else going on? And if something else was going on, why all the secrecy?
One of George Bush, Sr.'s first acts as President was an executive decree that limited disclosures of his activities while he was Vice President (see LA Times, 1/29/89). There were certainly things that happened while Bush was Vice President that would be embarrassing to him, for instance, when CIA agent Richard Brenneke called Vice-president Bush's chief of staff about finding cocaine in boxes shipped through Mena, and was warned to mind his own business.
When Bill Clinton became President he began fighting to have the White House computer tapes from the Bush-Reagan years destroyed. On Sat. June 9, 2001, (the very day I write this) the NY Times reported that the new president George Bush, Jr. is delaying the release of thousands of pages of presidential records that by law were to have been released on Jan. 21 under the Presidential Records Act.
These records by law were to be released after 12 years. His father was Vice-president during the time of these records. So again I ask, why all the lies and secrecy if what these leaders do is legitimate? What do we really know about what our Presidents do, and who they are?
Related/similar info:
Presidential records put under gag order
Eyes Wide Shut: Occult Entertainment by Uri Dowbenko
'From Hell': Masonic Ritual Murders a/k/a "Jack the Ripper" by Uri Dowbenko
Photo of Bush during the Kuwaiti crisis. "Golf War" anyone?
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