Dommsday great characters- Characters One:
The small sign on the Dommsday, many, more than 50 characters. If you want me to take up small signs that tell. I will only write about the main characters that will occur before the Doomsday in this post. I write about a major character in separate posts as it will become much information as you must absorb;), and I have to split the content to be able to prioritize my personal life before the blog to keep up with everything. Note that all the characters that I will talk about are not all the characters that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has mentioned, but there are more, but this is iaf few out of the Court. The first major sign of the Day of Resurrection: 1) Dajjal There are great learned who disagree on this, but they say that Dajjal is the first major sign of the Doomsday, the first sign of the universe. Thus, we have an enormous change on earth and it is Dajjal comes first. But the first change in the laws of the universe that is where things get chaotic, and where everything starts to collapse will begin with the sun rising from the west. In all cases, the largest fitnan ever since Adam (AS) was created until the set time is Dajjal. How come it is so important that it is not mentioned in the Quran? About Dajjal is the greatest fitnan and is one of the greatest characters in Day of Resurrection, why is this when not in the Quran? Yes, it is a question that even the scholars are trying to find answers to, but they say that the first reason is that there is a reason why the Koran does not mention the Dajjal and that is to belittle him to be leader of the evil. And because everything is fake and a big lie, so ignore the Qur'an that mention Dajjal. Another reason is to expand its Fitna so that the people who do not believe in the Prophet (SAW) The hadith are being deceived by him. For there are people who only follow the Koran and they reject the prophet's hadith. There are even those who reject the Prophet's hadith completely but they just pick and choose anyway. So when Dajjal fitna will will always find an excuse that this hadith is not authentic and so on. and this means that they end up falling in Dajjal trap. There are a lot of descriptions given to us about Dajjal, the Prophet (SAW) 's say that every prophet has warned his people of the Dajjal. So, subhnallah it is not only Muhammad (SAW) but all the prophets used to warn his people of the Dajjal, the biggest fitnan. But then so says the Prophet (SAW) "I'll tell you something that characterizes him," this is the main character, who will help you to know who is the Dajjal, and that is that he is the one-eyed. This is the most important sign to distinguish Dajjal. Then says the Prophet (SAW) "And Allah is not one-eyed". Because Dajjal will begin to assert that he is a prophet, then he will say he is God. Narrated Anas (radiAllahu anhu) The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, "No prophet was sent but that he warned his followers against the one-eyed liar (Ad-Dajjal). Beware! He is blind in one eye, and your Lord is not so, and there will be written between his (Ad-Dajjal's ) eyes (the word) Kafir (ie disbeliever). " [Sahih Al-Bukhari, 9245 - This Hadith is also quoted by Abu Hurairah and Ibn 'Abbas] Some other descriptions given to us is that he does not have access to Mecca and Madina. Why? As the angels watching the two sites. Dajjal will then stand at Uhud, which is the border of Madina and he will not be able to go further than that but he will stand at Uhud and he will see Madina because you can see Madina from Mount Uhud. And he will then say: you see the white palace? There is Muhammad (SAW) S palace. So what will he do after that? Masjid Al-Nabi, the Prophet (SAW) 's time, so it was not white, nor was the white Khalifa over time but anyway the last time so has the new building of the Masjid Al-Nabi become light in color and when the Arabs say white s does not necessarily mean snow-white. So everything has a bright color can therefore called white. Now is the minarets of Masjidien is very creamy in color. So the distance we see the white out. Masjid Al-Nabi has never been white until recently. In all cases so that the Dajjal will be at Uhud and said that the white building is Muhammad (SAW) 's palace. Dajjal fitna years, the same time great. Allah (SWT) will give him supernatural powers. Al Me3jiza - miracles is something that has only been given to the prophets. And what makes it unique is that it is not possible to make a copy of it. So what did the prophets is thus something that no one can make a copy out, not only during their time but also in the future. One example is Isa (Jesus) (AS), he could cure the blind, now can we can cure some cases of blindness, but it does not matter how advanced science is, it will never be able to cure the same way that Isa (AS ) used to cure. Isa (AS) usually heal without surgery or medication, but he added just hand over the eye and it was cured. So Isa (AS) 's miracle will continue to be a miracle until the Day of Resurrection. Prophet's miracle is the Koran and can not be repeated until the end end. Dajjal will be able to resurrect the dead, and he will also be called on duty under the earth to get out, and he will have the power to give orders to the sky to start raining. How is this miracle? The scholars say that even though these are things that are demanding that no one else will repeat, spec. piece where he will be able to resurrect the dead, anyway so they say that because Dajjal will claim that he is God and not a prophet, that is no miracle. For that miracle has only been given to the prophets. Anyway, Dajjal will be able to resurrect the dead, but only a few times since, his ability to stop. But the other talents who give orders to the sky to rain and back the rain, and to call up the taxes under the earth are abilities that will continue. So what the Dajjal will do is he will go to a city and invite them, if they respond to him, he will read the sky to rain, he will also make them rich and make their lives much fun. Then he will go to the next town and invite them and if they reject his calling, he will read the sky to hold back the rain and they will become poor, and then he will ask the treasures under the earth to come up as the Prophet (SAW) s says: Gold and silver will come out of the ground and follow him like bees follow their queen. So you can only imagine how the earth's treasures will follow Dajjal. This is why his fitna is so great. Dunya (this world) are his instruments and tools that he will use f or to deceive the people. This is a great fitna and do not think that it will not affect you, the Muslims faced visiting fitna is not as extreme, and they fail. An example is, How many go to the mosque on a Friday morning to pray Fajr (morning prayer)? Only a few number of people, but if the imam said he gives all of SEK 100 for each day they're there and pray Fajr, the ability will come? Not only will the Muslims to come without Ocke-Muslims too;). 100 SEK enough to get you to the mosque while Allah's promise is not enough, Allah ajer (rewards) are not sufficient to persuade you while SEK 100 is enough then it is something wrong! Imagine then the Dajjal time, when the meaning of being religious will mean you are poor, and you have nothing and giving up your religion, it means that you get everything you want to what this world has to give you. That is why it is a great fitna! Dajjal will be a force that nobody can resist, Dajjal is too strong to fight against the Muslim army today. But since Allah (SWT) has promised to protect their religion, when the time comes, when the Dajjal feels he can put an end to Islam and Muslims which is doing its best and try to defeat him, then Allah (SWT) sent down help. And when it comes to the Dajjal as saying the Prophet (SAW) "Do not go and wage war against him, do not go to meet him, but keep you away from him." The Prophet (SAW) says that's his fitna is so strong that the person who has confidence in his iman and who goes and meets Dajjal will come back as kafir (unbelievers). So the Prophet (SAW) says run away from him and go to the mountain top, walk away from the Dajjal as much as you can. Narrated by Imran ibn Husayn (radiAllahu anhu) that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: Let him who hears of the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) go far from him for I swear by Allah that a man will come to him thinking he is a believer and follow him because of confused ideas roused in him by him. [Sunan of Abu Dawud # 4305] And the Prophet (SAW) also said that you should recite Ayat Al-Kafh. Narrated by Abu Darda (radiAllahu anhu) that Allah's Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: "He who recite three verses at the beginning of the Al-Kahf will be protected from the trial of the Dajjal." (Whoever recites the first three verses from the Al-Kahf will be protected from the trial of Dajjal) [at-Tirmidhi # 2146] How will the issue of the Dajjal will be resolved? Allah (SWT) will send down Isa (Jesus) ibn Mariam (AS). The Prophet (SAW) says that Isa (AS) will have the power to destroy the Dajjal in his sight. So the eyes of Isa (AS) will dissolve the Dajjal as salt dissolves in water. So when the Dajjal is on top, then Isa (AS) 's eyes to destroy him. This shows how little is Dajjal. It will then Isa (AS) to beat him with a knife and demonstrate his Muslim blood. And this will be the end of the Dajjal. Dajjal means exceptional. Dajjal is a fraud. So Dajjal is then something that looks different than what it really is. The outside is different from the inside. So any rain from the Dajjal is a rain of fraud and everything is fake and it is based on this Dunya zina. But inside, it is very weak, so it looks strong but is really weak. It looks strong and the rich and all this is fraud. | |
2 kommentarer:
BarakAllah fiki min ÄLSKADE och vackra syster. jag blev såå rörd av det du skrivit. Må Allah (SWT) belöna dig för din strävan efter rättvisa <333
P.S jag sitter aldrig vid datorn när du skriver så drf så ser jag alltid dina inlägg efter en lång tid, hoppas du förlåter mig jag har varit så upptagen sista tiden med skolan<3
Oh min syster det är du som ska ha vart tack för din hjälp<3
Det är ingen fara det har jag förstått att du är upptagen inget du behöver oroa dig för..
InshAllah vi kan prata en dag på msn när vi finner tid du och jag samtidigt..
Ameen inshAllah även dig min vackra syster. Jag kämpar för rättvisan i alla håll inshAllah denna blogg hjälper med det en bit på vägen.
Må Allah vare med dig.
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