To Whom It May Concern:
June 22an December 21 st each year, Satanist, perorm Human Sacrifices as part of their Satanic rituals. These are known as the "Summner and Winter Solstice".
During these rituals an Human Infant is kiled and sacrificed to Satan (Baphemet.the Goat Headed Demon), and the Satanist drink the blood of the Infant Human they sacrifice, and Baphemet appears before them and goes out to kill the enemies of those satanist who perform this Human Sacrifice. I am a Nationaly know Federal Whistleblower: I currently have a Federal Grand Jury Demand filed in Las Vegas, Nevada US District Court Sept 2001. Case Number CV-S01-0714-PMP-PAL soon to be appealed.
This case filing states I can prove The Bush Crime Family Stole 1 trillion Dollars from America. Most of my exposure of corruption has centered around the BUSH CRIME FAMILY and "THE DENVER CONNECTION". Involving Leonard Yale Millman, Phil Winn, Larry Mizel, Norman Phillip Brownstrin, James M. Lyons, Nil Bush, Terry Constedine, Fredrico Pena, Wellington Webb, and other Criminals involving the scandals below. Which has included the following:
1: 1989 HUD Housing and Urban Development Scandal
2: The Savings and Loan Scadals (Silverado and Lincoln Savings)
3: The Denver International Airport Scandal and it´s secret underground base.
4:The MDC Holdings-Denver 200---Keating 5 Scandal
5: Iraq Gate/BNL Bank/ Gulf War Syndrom Scandal
6: The Oklahoma Bombing (CIA Involvement)
7: Iran-Contra Drug Money Laundering Mena Ark. to Denver Colorado. (M & L Business Machines Co)
8: Whitewater Development (Involving James Lyons, Bill and Hillary Clinton)
9: Blackmail of Congressman and Senators (The Boulder Properties Scandal, Media By Pass Magazine Dec 1999 and May 2000 aka "Bush Crime Family parts 1 & 2) (All the above "The Denver Connection" to The Bush Crime Family, Leonard Yale Millman-King-Pin).
10: The Tiffany Lamp Meetings--Human Sacrifice in Sedalia Colorado at the Kimball Castle (Summer and Winter Solstice) June 22nd and December 21 st, Involving the following known persons: George Herbert Walker Bush (Former CIA Director, Former Pres. USA) George W. Bush (President of USA) Jeb Bush (Governor Florida) Leonard Yale Millman (Bush Crime Family "The Denver Connection"-- Kingpin-Money Launderer) George Shultz (Former Secretary of State USA) Henry Kissinger aka Hennie Kissinger (Former Secretary of State and NSA USA) Lawrence Rockefeller (Banker New York) Carl Lindar (Bush Crime Family "The Ohio Connection"--Kingpin-Money Launderer)David Rockelfeller (Banker NY)
And many other Knight´s Templars who worship Baphemet and are Part of the "Tiffany Lamp Meetings Group" This group is known as the USA "Shadow Government with in the Government". Leaders who dictate USA World Policy, thet are known Satanists.
Leaders who dictate USA World Policy, that are known Satanists. During these meetings a Human Infant is abducted from usualy a hospital in the surrounding area. And sarificed ta Satan (Baphomet) as part of these sick pycos rituals. A report of these events was given to FBI-Denver Field Office on November 20th, 2001, stateing the above and that a murder of a child (infant) would take place, and that this Satanic murder, would involve the above named persons.
Please take videos to this location, The Kimball Castell in Sedalia, Colorado, (Sedalia is south of Denver at the Castellrock exit and west to Wadsworth then north 1/2 mile on the east side).
Further after these Satanists do their murder, you will normaly find them at the "Cherry Creek Country" playing Golf. They further are known to stay at the Brown Palace Hotel Downtown Denver. They further are known to Party at Leonard Yale Millmans hom and office at 2400 Cherry Creek Dr. North (University and Cherry Creek Drive). This is one of the Indictments for murders, (Human Sacrifices) I entend on bringing before a US Federal Grand Jury.
If you may have any questions, please do not hesitate in calling me. Thank You Stew Webb Federal Whistleblowe
(702) 362-9567
Foot note:
One of these Satanist, Leonard Yale Millman apperars in what is know as the Bibel code.
the software can be found on
It states as follows:
Leo Millman: Inversion, reverse, Solstice, Contrast Verso, Contrary.
Fore more on the Kimball Castel Go here:
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