Salaam aleikum all my precious readers ..
One thing I have wondered about is how some of us do in Islam Dawah (invitation to Islam) I know that some of us see something that is Haram (unlawful in Islam) and will tap a wide finger against the person making the and decided to say that this is Haram (unlawful in Islam).
Ok, I am thinking here .. Sure, we will definitely try to guide this poor man to the right .. But how? To do so he / she feels ill at ease?
No, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. We will do this in a nice way. A way that does not hurt or make the person concerned is angry or uncomfortable .. How might wonder some of you ..
Well, we'll talk about this Haram (unlawful in Islam) in a way that talking about it as they themselves come to mind: "SubanAllah, what have I done .. Inshallah I will improve myself to Allah (swa) and do not this more! "
Because if we make a wrong manner, it can unfortunately get opposite of what we are trying to do, that we want to get that person to better roads and thoughts.
Because if we make a wrong manner, it can unfortunately get opposite of what we are trying to do, that we want to get that person to better roads and thoughts.
If we make a mistake, it may unfortunately have more in person from Islam or intimidate this in from Islam more.
And we know that Allah (swa) DO NOT want to make it difficult for us. We must use our intellect and our Saber (patience).
And we know that Allah (swa) DO NOT want to make it difficult for us. We must use our intellect and our Saber (patience).
So, Inshallah, we should think of how we are doing Dawah. For we must work for Allah (swa) and the right not to scare the people of the Islam.
Peace be with you all.
Love Meddie
2 kommentarer:
Salaam ِِِAleikum sister
thank you for introducing this subject and i hope the readers will take it seriously ,I believe that the invitation to Islam is necessary now the situation has become very difficult, Unfortunately the enemies of Islam in the growing and they do their best to spread suspicions and abuse about Islam and Muslims not in secret as it was before but openly in front of everyone ,we know we are on right but the right must be protected by force and i hope that we are that force ,This will be achieved by calling for Alla and speak in the name of Islam , we should respond to these silly suspicions
I know that the invitation to Islam is difficult and needs the power of faith and patience but that effort can't compared with the happiness that we will feel when we know we were a reason to guide someone to Islam or we had a role in the face of those suspicions about Islam
I know I strayed Little from your main topic I'm sorry about that but I feel pain because of all this thing happening around us particularly these days and I'm trying by my modest way to drew attention to importance of the union of Muslims and work on the call of Allah and inshalah if we have the patience and devotion to Allah he will help us
I ask Allah to guide us all and make us a reason for those who guided and help us to obey him good
Aleikum salaam my wonderful sister!
Inshallah we with Allah (swa)help guide more into Islam, the truth. Another sister said to me when I told that I am a Swedish convert, that Allah (swa) speaks of a time when Islam will be displayed in every home.
Alhamdulillah. The time is now. For everyone knows Alhmdulillah about Islam, but perhaps not the right one. Inshallah we all Muslims are working for Allah (swa) Mercy and shows up the true pure Islam to the world.
Then is it up to Allah (swa) who opens up there hearts for guidance.
My sister, I ask one more thing, in case you have facebook and msn? Inshallah you can give it to me in a comment that I will not publish .. For Inshallah I will be in contact with you more:)
May Allah (swa) bless you.
Love Meddie <3
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